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AVANT GARDEN - Monochromatic Misdemeanour

AVANT GARDEN - Monochromatic Misdemeanour

Samstag, 15 Juni 2024 - ab 13:30
Veranstalter: The Rocket Project
93 feet east

Brick lane, London, England, Vereinigtes Königreich

JOYclub Rabatt

4 Personen angemeldet

2 mal vorgemerkt

291 Aufrufe

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Epic themed events for a beautiful community of open minded creatives.

Expect magnificent venues, incredible outfits, sensational DJs, spectacular performances and unparalleled vibes 🙌🏽🚀❤️

AVANT-GARDE - Noun / uh-vahnt-gahrd,
Fashion that is characterised by its unapologetically bold, innovative, thought provoking and boundary-pushing designs.
Express your individuality with various layers, materials, lengths, asymmetrical and unconventional shapes to add depth and visual interest to your outfit.

MONOCHROMATIC - Adjective / mon-uh-kroh-mat-ik,
Of, relating to, or made with a single colour or hue.


AVANT GARDEN - Monochromatic Misdemeanour

AVANT-GARDE - Noun / uh-vahnt-gahrd,
Fashion that is characterised by its unapologetically bold, innovative, thought provoking and boundary-pushing designs.
Express your individuality with various layers, materials, lengths, asymmetrical and unconventional shapes to add depth and visual interest to your outfit.

MONOCHROMATIC - Adjective / mon-uh-kroh-mat-ik,
Of, relating to, or made with a single colour or hue.


Für alle GästeFür Premium-
Frau:50,00 £
(AK: 60,00 £)
45,00 £
(Abendkasse: 54,00 £)
Mann:50,00 £
(AK: 60,00 £)
45,00 £
(Abendkasse: 54,00 £)
Please apply for a free membership, once approved you will have access to 2 tickets per event 🚀❤️
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Gästeliste (4)

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AVANT GARDEN - Monochromatic Misdemeanour
5.0 von 5
1 Bewertung in den letzten zwei Jahren
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Venus Libido 24. Juni
Such an incredible event! Everyone was so friendly and welcoming and the outfits were gorgeous! highly recommend and cant wait to attend the next one *g*