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MILK & HONEY - Kinky Halloween Libertinage

MILK & HONEY - Kinky Halloween Libertinage

Freitag, 1 November 2024 - ab 22:00

Le Clan, Balbínova 23
120 00 Praha 2-Vinohrady, Prag, Tschechien

23 Personen angemeldet

11 mal vorgemerkt

476 Aufrufe

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Milk & Honey is the legendary Prague club of social eroticism. A team of authors of unique erotic parties tailored for couples and their gentle accompaniment. — Since 2009.
Milk & Honey is the legendary Prague club of social eroticism. A team of authors of unique erotic parties tailored for couples and their gentle accompaniment. — Since 2009.

Tickets for this and all future Milk & Honey events will be distributed ONLY online!

DRESS CODE: " Sexy, kinky, or naked! "
We recommend the style of a "hidden dress code," i.e., in two layers, on top, sexy and elegant; underneath, bold and erotic.
Zone 1: Dress Sexy & Elegant
Zone 2 + 3: Dress Erotic
No streetwear or jeans!

Party for open-minded clubbers!

There is a strict ban on all recording devices in all zones at all times.
Taking photographs or video recording etc., will result in immediate expulsion from all areas of the MILK & HONEY event.
Adherence to the dress code is essential to the event's atmosphere, contributing to the fun and games, and is therefore required for admittance.
No single gentleman is allowed to enter this event.

Rules of the community:
1. No photography and no recording!
2. The phone must stay in the bag in the cloakroom!
3. Only participate if you are healthy and feeling good.
4. Respect the dress code of the night. Show you afford, no jeans or streetwear.
5. Respect the staff and do not argue with the team.
6. Listen and watch before you act. Never touch anyone before you communicate with them.
7. If someone breaks a rule, notify them. If this happens again, inform the staff.
In the case of people using phones, inform the team immediately.
8. Never talk about who you saw at the event and who hosted the event.
9. Invite only the people you trust and enjoy.
10. If you want to publish anything about M&H, please send us your content before you post anything.

For two years, we have managed to protect our guests from complications. Please find our current pandemic measures on our web.


Straight Couples
Single Ladies
Trios including two males.
No single man!
Gay Couple friendly event.


It must be kinky, erotic, fetish or at least nudity! "Less is more!"
We recommend the style of "hidden dress-code" ie in two layers. On top, sexy and elegant, underneath, bold and erotic.
Zone 1: Dress Sexy & Elegant
Zone 2: Dress Erotic
Zone 3: Dress Erotic or Naked
‼ No street wear or jeans to Zone 2!


Ohne AnmeldungMit Anmeldung
im JOYclub
Für Premium-
Frau:10,00 €10,00 €
(AK: 10,00 €)
10,00 €
(Abendkasse: 10,00 €)
Paar:60,00 €60,00 €
(AK: 60,00 €)
60,00 €
(Abendkasse: 60,00 €)
Tickets for this and all future Milk & Honey events will be distributed ONLY online via our web.
Der Anmeldeschluss ist vorbei. Es sind keine weiteren Anmeldungen möglich.
Gästeliste (23)

HINWEIS: Für die Veranstaltung ist alleine der jeweilige Veranstalter verantwortlich. Daten und Inhalte basieren auf Angaben des Veranstalters ohne Gewähr auf Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit. Für die vollumfängliche Nutzung aller Services können Zusatzkosten entstehen.

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MILK & HONEY - Kinky Halloween Libertinage
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1 Bewertung in den letzten zwei Jahren
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NaughtyyCouple Sa, 2. November
Thank you for hot and sexy event 😈