0 Personen angemeldet
0 mal vorgemerkt
41 Aufrufe
Entrance fee: 500 CZK for a couple
In the event that the lady moves upstairs without a ticket for the entire visit, the entire entrance fee, i.e. 500 CZK, will be deducted from the consumption ticket. It therefore has free admission.
Single man CZK 700 (CZK 200 can be deducted from the entrance fee if you arrive before 10 p.m. in the recommended clothing)
Alone woman free
Admission: Entrance fee: 500 CZK for a couple In the event that the lady moves upstairs without a ticket for the entire visit, the entire entrance fee, i.e. 500 CZK, will be deducted from the consumption ticket. It therefore has free admission. Single man CZK 700 (CZK 200 can be deducted from the entrance fee if you arrive before 10 p.m. in the recommended clothing) Alone woman free. |
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