
Live Erotic Reading with Lisa Opel

Live Erotic Reading with Lisa Opel

Montag, 30 September 2024 - ab 19:00
Europe/London (Event-Zeitzone)

3 Personen angemeldet

8 mal vorgemerkt

72 Aufrufe

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Join us for an intimate and captivating evening with Lisa Opel, a bisexual woman, mother, and accomplished author of authentic and realistic erotic literature. This event is a safe and inclusive space for all who are curious about exploring their sensuality through literature.

What to Expect:
Introduction: Lisa will start with a brief introduction about herself, her journey into erotic literature, and the inspiration behind her stories.

Live Reading: Experience a live reading of a few selected short stories from different categories that explore various aspects of sexuality and relationships. These stories are crafted to resonate with real-life experiences, emotions, and fantasies.

Q&A Session: After the reading, there will be a question and answer session where you can ask Lisa anything about her work, writing process, or discuss the themes explored in her stories.

Come with an open mind and heart, ready to engage in a night of sensual storytelling and discovery.

This is more than just a reading—it's a shared experience of intimacy, passion, and self-expression.

About Lisa Opel:
Lisa Opel, celebrated author and pleasure advocate, brings a unique realism to erotic literature with her book "GIVE IT TO ME!", available in audio, print, and ebook formats. Renowned for her insightful TEDx talk and her bilingual podcast DEEP&DIRTY, where she discusses all facets of sexuality with coaches, therapists, and experts, Lisa is dedicated to sexual empowerment and exploration. Her work has captured the attention of audiences on television and in well-regarded media outlets internationally. Her collaborations with Skirt Club and the educational platform feel reinforce her commitment to enhancing understanding and dialogue about sexual freedom.


Open to All Genders and Orientations: This event is inclusive and welcomes anyone interested in exploring erotic literature, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or relationship status.

Individuals Curious About Sexuality and Sensual Expression: People who are exploring or wish to deepen their understanding of their own sexuality, sensuality, and erotic expression.

Fans of Authentic and Realistic Erotic Literature: Readers who appreciate genuine, relatable stories that reflect real-life experiences and emotions.

Couples and Singles: This event is perfect for both individuals and couples who want to experience a stimulating and thought-provoking evening together or alone.


Sensual and Comfy: There’s no strict dress code, but participants are encouraged to wear something that makes them feel sensual and comfortable. Think cozy loungewear, silky robes, or anything that makes you feel confident and at ease. The goal is to create a relaxed and uninhibited atmosphere where everyone can freely connect with their feelings and enjoy the experience.


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