
Sex , cocktails and Rock n Roll

Sex , cocktails and Rock n Roll

Samstag, 30 November 2024 - ab 21:00

Vršovické náměstí 4
100 00 Praha 10-Vršovice, Prag, Tschechien

0 Personen angemeldet

0 mal vorgemerkt

27 Aufrufe

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Our swingers club in the center of Prague invites you to this special event.

Tonight is going to be unique and absolutely amazing. Lots of fun, good drinks and the best rock hits from around the world.

This party is for everyone for women, couples and single men. Come to us to throw away all barriers and enjoy a wonderful time with like-minded people. This evening will be all about fun, rock music, great drinking, dancing and unbridled sex. You can look forward to the best rock hits as well as newly renovated social spaces, in which you will find four smoking gloryholes (for men of different heights) and two gloryholes for women, a cloak room, a floor where you can find seating with a dance pole, a bed for your erotic games and a unique padded erotic turntable (you won't find this turntable anywhere else, it was designed exclusively for our club)

Since a proper rock party requires a lot of people, we have the option for you to completely drink your entrance fee.

So how do you get free admission?

Just book your place!!


Ohne AnmeldungMit Anmeldung
im JOYclub
Für Premium-
Frau:10,00 €5,00 €5,00 €
Mann:60,00 €60,00 €60,00 €
Paar:35,00 €35,00 €35,00 €


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