
A Playful Guide to Naughty Words

A Playful Guide to Naughty Words

Donnerstag, 14 November 2024 - ab 19:00
Veranstalter: LisaOpel

London, England, Vereinigtes Königreich

6 Personen angemeldet

0 noch nicht bestätigt

2 mal vorgemerkt

27 Aufrufe

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This 90-minute workshop is all about giving you the tools, language, and inspiration to turn your fantasies into words—whether you want to write short, steamy stories, craft the perfect naughty text, or even pen a flirtatious letter.

You don’t need to be an author to join! We’ll explore the power of erotic writing as a way to play with your own desires and find creative expression. It’s about enjoying the process and discovering how words can deepen intimacy, heighten tension, and connect with your imagination.

You’ll leave with your own personalized creation—whether that’s a sexy text message or the start of a sensual short story—something to spark your creativity beyond the workshop!

Lisa Opel, celebrated author and pleasure advocate, brings a unique realism to erotic literature with her book "GIVE IT TO ME!", available in audio, print, and ebook formats. Renowned for her insightful TEDx talk and her bilingual podcast DEEP&DIRTY, where she discusses all facets of sexuality with coaches, therapists, and experts, Lisa is dedicated to sexual empowerment and exploration. Her work has captured the attention of audiences on television and in well-regarded media outlets internationally. Her collaborations with Skirt Club and the educational platform feel reinforce her commitment to enhancing understanding and dialogue about sexual freedom.


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