Samstag, 23 November 2024 - ab 18:00
Veranstalter: Kink-Y

10247 Berlin Friedrichshain, Berlin

4 Personen angemeldet

9 noch nicht bestätigt

26 mal vorgemerkt

779 Aufrufe

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Uncut: A Play Party for Creators

Get ready to step into Uncut, an exclusive play party designed for content creators and those looking to dive into the world of filming. This event is all about mingling, networking, and creating in an electrifying, intimate atmosphere. Whether you're an experienced creator or just getting started, this is your space to explore, connect, and capture unique moments.

What to Expect:

Play, Shoot, Create:
Our industrial apartment in Fhain is the perfect creative space, featuring a St. Andrew’s cross, large mirrors, LED lights, and a fully equipped setup with a ring light and soft box. Bring your own device and shoot as you please—each guest owns their own content.

Masks Optional:
Want to stay anonymous? No problem. Guests can choose whether or not to wear a mask, offering a blend of privacy and openness.

Open Bar & Buffet:
Enjoy a well-stocked open bar and buffet as you relax, socialize, and refuel throughout the night.

Consent and Comfort:
All participants will provide consent beforehand by signing a disclosure, ensuring that everyone is comfortable and fully aware of their participation.

Important Info:
Capacity: 15 guests max. Selection ensures a balanced, respectful, and dynamic crowd.
Date: 23 Nov
Time: 18:00
Location: Fhain

As with all our events, we strive to create a safe, non - judgmental, inclusive, and consensual space for exploring group intimacy and our attention to detail ensures an unforgettable experience for all who attend.


content creators




Anmeldungen werden einzeln durch den Veranstalter freigeschaltet.
Für alle GästeFür Premium-
Frau:30,00 €30,00 €
Mann:30,00 €30,00 €
Paar:60,00 €60,00 €


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