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PURE - A Sober Party Experience

PURE - A Sober Party Experience

Donnerstag, 14 November 2024 - ab 20:30
Veranstalter: Kink-Y

10247 Berlin Friedrichshain, Berlin

9 Personen angemeldet

8 noch nicht bestätigt

22 mal vorgemerkt

310 Aufrufe

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Step into a night of authentic connection, where the energy of the people around you is all you need to feel uplifted. PURE is more than just a party—it’s an invitation to be fully present and embrace the natural high of human interaction, free from substances.

Surround yourself with like-minded souls in a space that celebrates clarity, authenticity, and joy. Let laughter, music, and shared moments guide your evening, as you experience the beauty of being completely in the moment, without distractions.

This night is about shedding the layers and focusing on true connection, celebrating the incredible energy we create together. Whether you're seeking meaningful conversations or enjoying sexuality in a relaxed, intimate atmosphere, PURE offers an unforgettable experience that’s all about you—fully present, fully alive.

What to expect:
- Open Bar & Buffet
- LED Lights
- 3 Play Areas

Join us for a night where you can be your truest self. No filters. No distractions. Just pure energy.

As with all our events, we strive to create a safe, non - judgmental, inclusive, and consensual space for exploring group intimacy and our attention to detail ensures an unforgettable experience for all who attend.


couples, singles




Anmeldungen werden einzeln durch den Veranstalter freigeschaltet.
Für alle GästeFür Premium-
Frau:28,00 €28,00 €
Mann:28,00 €28,00 €
Paar:56,00 €56,00 €


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