Dieser Workshop wird in einfachen, gut verständlichem Englisch gehalten, es sind mehrere Teilnehmer vor Ort, die ggf übersetzen.
Deep Emotions & Comunication into Ropes
Deep Emotions & Comunication into Ropes
During this Naka ryu inspired weekend, we will talk about deep communication into ropes.
Following this path, we will talk about intention in ropes, but we will mainly work on the
good methods to communicate through our gesture, our body positioning and the body
management, with and without ropes.
We will study those aspects considering the last technical stuff that Docvale and Tyka
are sharing, not forgetting the aesthetic.
Prerequisites :
Participants must be able to tie a good and stable Gote.
Participants must have experience with basic suspensions and the ability to securely lock
suspension lines.
Being confortable with suspensions and starting to be able to forget the
technic while tying.
It is better to attend the class with a rope partner with whom you have a high level of
confidence and feel totally comfortable.
What to bring :
At least 10 pieces of jute rope 5-6mm diameter and 7-8 meters in length.
About Docvale :
Docvale is a French rigger who initially found interest in ropes as part of the BDSM world.
In 2011 Docvale had met Tyka and ever since then, they began doing combined work,
which was influenced by Kinoko Hajime and Wildties styles.
In 2012, he became one of the very first people teaching Naka inspired style (along with
Wildties) in Europe. At the same time, Tyka and him began touring for workshops and
performances in various places in Europe.
The psychological aspect of ropes became increasingly prominent in Docvale’s rigging. By
that time, he had discovered Arika Naka’s Semenawa method. This intense and
psychological style of bondage highlighted Docvale’s own BDSM atmosphere and desires,
and had confirmed his inclination to it. Up until this point, it is well shown in his work.
Following their first meeting with Akira Naka in Rome in July 2015, Tyka and Docvale later
made a trip to Japan (in March 2016) in order to further learn from the esteemed sensei.
Since then and under recommendation from Naka Akira, he began to work on his own
After a year and a half in which, Docvale was searching for the right way to follow, he had
finally found, in May 2017, his own unique way of Kinbaku. Ever since then, he has been
developing his own philosophy combined with methods influenced by old school Shibari
techniques and Naka Ryu .
Sa 10.00 Uhr bis 18.00 Uhr (incl. Pausen)
So 10.00 Uhr bis 16.00 Uhr (incl. Pausen)
Mit der Anmeldung kommst Du auf die Warteliste.
Bitte setz Dich dann mit mir in Verbindung (Endorphine_FK)
Über die tatsächliche Vergabe der Plätze entscheidet der Zahlungseingang.
Zubuchbare Optionen (Preise je Paar)
Doppelzimmer incl Frühstück € 50,00
Essenspauschale (Sa und So Mittag Hähnchensalat Sa Abend Menü) € 45,00
Optionen können bei Anmeldung hier mit gebucht werden
Wir bieten auch eine Anreise bereits am Freitag Abend an, bei Bedarf einfach nachfragen
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