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Falaka Stories
The Spy
I was working as chief guards in air force base. It was a very boring night, no action and I have nothing to do, just sit and have my coffee. At about 2.30 after midnight, I sow a flashlight coming from the laboratory were we have the plane for the new secret weapon. Immediately I took my gun and my best friend Tornado (the best dog I have) and went to the laboratory. I enter the lab very carefully and I sow a man in black ninja suit. I hold up my gun and I walked slowly to the switchboard, I switch on the light and said “ freeze or I’ll shoot”.
The man tried to hit me with an iron stick were with him, butTornado was the faster, he Jump over the man and throw him to the floor. Immediately I sit over his back and cuff his hand over his back. Tornado still bites his suit till I ordered him to stop.

I took the head cover of his head, and what a surprise, it was a lady. I set her over her and look to her face. It was beautiful lady about 25 year old with blue eyes and balck hair. I asked her “who are you, and what are you doing hear” she said nothing. “ You don’t want to speak? Very well, I’ll make you tell me the hall history about your self”. “ I don’t care what you’ll do, I’m not going to tell” she speak for the first time.
I took her out the building to MP center. I took her downstairs to the dim dungeon. When we entered the dungeon she saw the tortures tools, the wooden horse, the stock, the drill, and the big collection of the canes and wipes.
“ What you’ll do to me,” she asked in a frightened voice. “ Nothing, I’ll play with you may favorite games.” I took of the handcuffs and ordered her to take her shoes off. “ what you want to do…” she asked. “Now you will see” I responded.

After she took her shoes and socks off, I set her on chair with feet stocks. I sat her and I cuff her hand over her head, then I tied her knees to the wooden board and rest her ankles in the stock-hall. “ What a nice feet you have” I said. She has very soft feet with pink color and a nice shaped toes.
“ Do you want to speak or start in the appetizer?” I asked her.
“ Start with what you want, I’ll never tell” she responded.
“ OH yes you will” I said that and my fingers tickling her sole up and down.
She started wiggle her feet and try to cover one foot with the other.
“Ticklish…. Ha?” I ask her
“ Noooo…. O I’mm..m not”, “ ticklish and liar.. I’ll start my new innovation”

I stop tickling her and I bring two drills and fastened them in special halls in front of her soles and I put in each two bird feathers and adjust the distance and made the head of the feathers touch the sole of her feet.
“ What are you going to do”
“ Nothing. I just want to see if you are really not ticklish as you say” I had a sit and switch on the drills
“Noooo pleasss Ha hahahahahaha pppppleeeaasssee …….”
As the drills started she full in deep laugh and beg me to stop the drill “ pleasssseee stopppp I bbbeeeg you….ha ha ha ha I can’t take it more” “ what you thing now, is you ticklish or not?” “ Yes I ammmm… Pleaassse”.
I let the tickle drills run about 5 minutes than I stopped them ask her: “ Do you want to speak now or use the second appetizer?”
“ I’ll not tell you any thing”.

Then I untie her and made her lie on the floor on her back. I tied her knee together and also her ankles. I fastened the ankles to a rope hanging to a pulley in the ceiling. I pull the other end of the rope to lift her feet to the air. I lift her feet till her beck were about one foot high from the floor. Than I tied her hand together under her knees and tied her big toes together.
“ Now, do you want to speak”
“ No”.
I took riding crop, about three feet long and stood to her right. I start to smack her sole very hard. SMACK….. Ohhh wi SMACK Nooo my feeet SMACK …. I whipped her sole about 10 minutes till the were red colored and very hot. With each stroke I ask her if she want to speak, but she didn’t answer. After 15 minutes she start to cry and beg me to stop.
I asked her “are you ready to speak?”
“ Yes, but pleas stop I cant take any more”. I untied her and made her sit on a wooden chair and start to ask her: “ ok. What is your name” “ Tiffany”
“ what are you doing hear” “ I want to steal the secret weapon” “ who sent you” she didn’t answer “ I asked you who sent you to hear?” asked her that and I went to her to give her a whip to her nipples; but she kicked me and tried to run away but her sore feet can’t help her, so she fall down and cant move. “ So, you want to run away? No you are not” I took her of the floor and made her lie face down on wooden board and I tied her hand behind her back. Than I tied her feet together and her big toes too and tied them backwards to a small ring under the bored. After that I roped her to the wooden board with cling film ( same to what we use in the kitchen).

After that I stand I front of her holding in my hand a black box about 5 feet long and one foot wide. “ Now you will know the real bastinado”. I put the box on the floor and opened it. It was my favorite cane ( Torturea). it made of fiberglass, about four-feet long, 3/4 inch thick and very flexible. I show her the cane and went back to her feet.
“ NO NOT MY FEET PLEASE … I’ll do what you want …. Pleeeaasse” I start to caned her sole…

Whooooooshhhhh SMACK!!…… Whooooooshhhhh SMACK!!…… Whooooooshhhhh SMACK!!

“AAAAAAAAHHHHHH” Tiffany start to cry Whooooooshhhhh SMACK “AAAAAAAAHHHHHH my feeeeeet it’s hert please I beg you I’ll tell you what you want… Whooooooshhhhh SMACK.AAAAAHHHHH”.
I gave her sole about 50 cane to each and after that I stopped for a moment. Her sole was very red with some purple line. I had an ice bucket and start to rub her sole, ( that’s will make her sole more sensitive after 50 hard cane.
Tiffany still crying “ Pleas no more cane, I cant take any more”
“ I’ll cane you feet again till you cant walk on them till one week” I responded. I start to cane her feet, each cane draw a loud cry and tear or her eyes. “ Do you ready to talk or shall I keep going?”
“ No. I’ll talk” and she give me all the information I need and answer all my questions. In the morning I delivered the report to the HQ with all confessions I had from the spy.

The QH send her to the jail & I keep bastinado her each day.

Author Adelart


Und wer übersetzt mir das ins Deutsche?? *gruebel*
**********Ville Frau
781 Beiträge
Jööö "Sword" macht bestimmt ne Leserunde (in deutsch!) für uns *smile*
Ihr kleinen....
... "Schmocks" ! (Weiss nicht, ob es davon eine weibliche Form gibt!)

Aber - keine Sorge :
Wenn Ihr wollt, mach' ich Euch den Privat-Dolmetscher!

Nooooo problemmmm, Missies !

Bin allerdings relativ teuer.... *anmach*

*****zel Mann
39 Beiträge
Schönes Bild;-)
Damit Ihr auch mal "Englisch" üben könnt...
... noch was von PAROX' Seite - " :

[4 Girl Friends
We were 4 girls, giving pjama parties every saturday night at the house of one of us.
Again, at a regular saturday night, we get together for party. We just made chat a little bit and then watched an erotic movie. After that one of my friends suggested to play cards. At first we didn't like the idea of playing cards, but when my friend said that there will be a punishment for the looser, we all liked the idea and agreed to play. We were making jokes about the punishment. Finally I lost the game and thw other girls went to another room just for planning my punishment. I was a little bit ashameed and just try to conjecture what they might do. By the way, i was very close one of the girls so, she knows all my secrets..
I just remembered that i talked about my bondage fantasies..
I have told her that I like being bounded tightly, and I find it very excited. At the same time I thrilled and shuddered.

Then they came back near me. There were a rope in the hand of the girl that I was close. I feared and just attempted to shout " I don't accept to be bound" , I was allready on the groud and they tied my hands.. i weas lying on my back. When i began to struggle, they tied my hands to the bed. By this way, I can2t move my hands anymore. Then they tied my ankles together. So I was lying with my motionless with my white socks on my feet.
Then one of them asked
" so...what will we do to her?".
The other one said that,
" I know a good way of punishment".
And whispered to others.. they all left the room laughing at me.. I was struggling and trying to escape innocently without any idea what they will do ... but it was impossible to escape, since the ropes were very tight.
At this time they entered the room with a thick and a long stick. And they fixed my ankles to the stick.
I said
"hey, what are you doing, this is enough".
But they said that,
" take it easy sweety, we are just beginning."

After they have finished fixing my ankles to the stick, two of them raised the stick. At this time, the other girl came in the room with a bamboo in her hand. I was feared and feeled butterflies in my stomach.
I yelled
"no, you can't bastinado me".
But the girls said in a mocking manner
"we will just make your pretty feet a little bit red".
I tried to curl my legs, but the other two girls raised the stick more, and then my legs my hanging from the stick... I was totaly feared. I tried to guess, how bad could it be. I have never seen somebody receiving bastinado, and now I would have...

The girl slowly took my socks off. In this way, my 37e thin, white feet came on the scene.
She asked,
" are you ready to receive bastinado?" and she smiled...
I closed my eyes and I was waiting for the first stroke.
At this moment I heard a "sssspppllaaahhh" in the air and the first storke met my feet in the middle. It was a terrible pain, this is the first time that somebody beats me on the sole, and it hurted more, much more than I guessed. I cried at the top of my voice, and just at this time, I get the second one..
I begged them to stop, but the girl said,
"hey, we just beginned.".
The stick was touching every inch of my feet, and the girl was hitting with her full force. It was hurting me a lot and the pain was unbearable. My feet getting pins and needles, and very hot..
I was crying by the pain, trying to get my feet free but it was impossible.. the rope was very tight and bruising my ankles. I began to cry, they didn't hear my beggings, the strokes are severe. Then something has happened. I get wet and get pleasure from being beaten. Since they understood it, they began to hit faster. After 50 strokes, she stopped and put the stick down. I can see that my feet was swollen and get red. They began to rub my painful feet. but I was still crying with pain. Then they kissed and licked my feet for a time. It was totaly pleasure, and I reached orgazm few times by this time. Almost half an hour, they stopped and untied me. Still I was getting pain but I was happy since I enjoyed.. I tried to walk, but I couldn't since my soles are very tender at this time.. their were red marks on my sole.

One of the girls said that,
"we are sorry Pelin, but we know that you like being bound, and we have planned it before. But as a gift we will kiss and lick your feet till morning."
And really, they lied me to the bed, kissed and licked my feet for hours.

. It was totaly an interesting weekend. My soles get normal in a day.
But after the "bastinado" day, we arer ashamed and couldn't dare to see each other. However we got used to it, and we bastinadoed one of us once a month..

Author Pelin


**********Ville Frau
781 Beiträge
@ Lust auf eine "Lese"gruppe? *smile*
@ Kendra_de_Ville
Wie meinst du das?

Ich kann ja meinen Herrn mal fragen ob er es mir übersetzt...
Ich kann wirklich kein Englisch, außer eben fragen wie man heißt und wie alt man ist und ein paar Zahlen....
Aber dann hört es auch schon auf....

Ich *schaem* mich wirklich dafür!!!!
Ich glaube ich sollte wirklich mal Englischunterricht nehmen.
**********Ville Frau
781 Beiträge
@ ich dachte wir nehmen uns ein wörterbuch und übersetzen das gemeinsam *ja*
Na ok, dann komm mal rüber....
Ich besorge mal eben ein Englisch-Wörterbuch *zwinker*
Oder wir fragen einfach meinen Herrn *schaem*
Aber ich glaube das könnte ich nicht wieder gut machen, wenn er mir das übersetzen würde..
*nene* selbst ist die Sub *ja*
**********Ville Frau
781 Beiträge
Ich hätte eher "Angst" das ers gleich umsetzen möcht...
Ja bleiben wir lieber "unter uns" *zwinker*
Hey, Ihr zwei !
... von wegen ! *freundchen*

"Unter sich bleiben" ist nix gutt, weil trägt nicht zur "Unterhaltung" bei ... *smile*
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