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Looking for game parners

******t4u Mann
28 Beiträge
Looking for game parners
Hallo Everybody,

About me:

I'm a 49 yo italian guy, maybe younger looking than my real age, or at least some people think so.
I'm a fan of 'medical things' since I was a child. I started to play with my body with 'medical tools', or something simulating them, around 14-15.

As an adult I started to collect my own real medical accessories and I continued to play alone, or with other partners both male and female and both as doc or patient.

I have some medical knowhow thanks to my profession although I'm not a real doc. Some years passed as volunteer for first aid on ambulance got me the occasion to learn a bit more about safety.

I'm looking for game partner to play as patient in the ends of a doc, or as doc or even nurse.

I'm planning my holiday and thinking to come in south Germany and/or Austria in second week of Agoust.
I will be slso a week in italian SudTirol.

So this my message is for everybody which would like to meet me, to play with my body, or just to have a talk about our common interest. Lets see if I found someone.

I will bring with me my tool set and I also have a sort of foldable gyno chair.
I always like to have them with me in case I want to play 😊.

Write me if you are interested.
Unfortunately I do not speak German... only italian and english...
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