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Sex Programme

Sex Programme
Bin letztens auf ein Programm in Ubunut gestoßen:


sex -- have sex


sex [options] ... [username] ...


sex allows the invoker to have sex with the user(s) specified in the
command line. If no users are specified, they are taken from the
LOVERS environment variable. Options to make things more interesting
are as follows:

-1 masturbate

-a external stimulus (aphrodisiac) option

-b buggery

-B animal
bestiality with animal

-c chocolate sauce option

-C chaining option (cuffs included) (see also -m -s -W)

-d file
get a date with the features described in file

-e exhibitionism (image sent to all machines on the net)

-f foreplay option

-F nasal sex with plants

-i coitus interruptus (messy!)

-j jacuzzi option (California sites only)

-l leather option

-m masochism (see -s)

-M triple parallel (Menage a Trois) option

-n necrophilia (if target process is not dead, program kills it)

-o oral option

-O parallel access (orgy)

-p debug option (proposition only)

-P pedophilia (must specify a child process)

-q quickie (wham, bam, thank you, ma'am)

-s sadism (target must set -m)

-S sundae option

-v voyeurism (surveys the entire net)

-w whipped cream option

-W whips (see also -s, -C, and -m)


LOVERS is a list of default partners which will be used if none are
specified in the command line. If any are specified, the values
in LOVERS is ignored.


animals for bestiality

possible dates

sundae recipes

sado-masochistic equipment


^C (quit process) may leave the user very unsatisfied.

^Z (stop process) is usually quite messy.


Oldest program ever.
*********ppyU Frau
845 Beiträge

-n is good *zwinker*
*******tch Frau
14.839 Beiträge
*haumichwech* *smile*
*******b_er Mann
164 Beiträge
sex -C -f -o -d ~/profile

*********ppyU Frau
845 Beiträge
das hättest du wohl gern *mrgreen*

^C *baeh*
*******b_er Mann
164 Beiträge
probieren kann man es ja mal *ggg*

Immer diese Segmentation faults... ts *zwinker*
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