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Beauty's favourite @Argunar (2013)
******ool Frau
31.162 Beiträge
For the native speakers among us, It might not be a problem to understand texts of songs as they were meant.

But put a little German me and so many of my fellows, it can be really hard to decipher the words of a song.

When radio station in Germany has made it its mission to collect failures in hearing.
All started with, When somebody phoned in and requested the song “Agathe Bauer”.
After much consideration they found out, that the person wanted to hear “I got the power”.

This moment started a Movement collecting all those hearing errors:

Actually, I always interpreted “It’s the final countdown” as “there’s a fire in downtown“

What examples can you tell us for mishearing the text of a song?

English to German
German to English
Or any other languages

*******over Mann
143 Beiträge
Out here in NL there's a term for it "Mama Appelsap". Stems from MJ's "Starting Something" where the last bit goes "Mama Se Mama Sa Mama Ku Sa"

Somehow out here this became "Mama Appelsap" which is Dutch for Apple Juice.

********rlin Frau
4.012 Beiträge
I must admit, that the Rolling Stones song "Paint it black" was misinterpreted by myself for decades...

Dunno why, but I always thought that they sang I see a raptor and I want to paint it black.....

only after seeing the text in a songbook I found out, that this "raptor" was no jurassic beast, but a red door, wanted painted black..... *zwinker*
**********osity Mann
12.812 Beiträge
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