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Chat Platform

*******n68 Mann
597 Beiträge
Chat Platform
Hi Guys, does anyone else from the English speaker group use the Chat platform? I discovered it a few months back after a topic was posted here; regarding how to gain access...

Anyone can go into chat: Basic users also. But first, you need to change the language to Deutsch - in the menu - otherwise the “chat” does not appear .. *gg*
********rlin Frau
4.012 Beiträge
I tried it once in another group and didn't think it was worth while. If there are a lot people in the chat it rushes so fast by I cannot follow and if there are only few people it all depends on whether they are capable of raising my interest *zwinker*
*******tlux Paar
162 Beiträge
I agree, unless your German is very good it isn't worth it. And if you dare to write anything in English, people tend to be rather upset and might even kick you out of the chat.
*********eseo Paar
18 Beiträge
We use the chat from time to time, but only in German. As others have already mentioned, it's pretty much "German only" there. We even tried opening a room for English speakers... The only person that entered was a desperate single man and he tried to chat with us in German... Go figure 😂
*******over Mann
146 Beiträge
Tried it a couple times but hardly ever see users online in this group. Went into the other rooms and the majority of what I see is "hi" "hallo" "moin" and then nothing lol.

I guess a lot of people chat in 1 on 1s as well I reckon.

All in all lovely concept but as @*******tlux said not really the one if your German isn't fluent.
*******n68 Mann
597 Beiträge
*lol* “ ...The only person that entered was a desperate single man... ” that was probably Me!! *lol* *lol*

My point is the English speaking room because you are all correct about Deutsch being heavily mandatory in the others.

It’s there but nobody ever seems to use it - from our Group Here...
********male Mann
79 Beiträge
Haha cracks me up how the people kick people out or spazz out when you dont write in German. That is so funny.
********rlin Frau
4.012 Beiträge
being native german I prefer people to talk to me in english rather than struggling with german .... *zwinker*
If there was an announcement about meeting in the chat, I might show up. But usually not many people are in the rooms (not even in the german groups) so I really did never understand what it was all about
*******n68 Mann
597 Beiträge
Yeah, I learnt - should I say “studied” - German for four years while working at an Anglo-German firm in HH. When trying to speak Auf Deutsch... “ah come on Jonathan, speak English. This is painful!”...

So, years later I have a qualification but absolutely no experience. That’s the difference between skill, knowledge, and experience.. *ggg*

The moral being that maybe I should just try the German chat-rooms and learn... (maybe more than just the language *gg*)
******a19 Frau
381 Beiträge
Zitat von *******n68:
Chat Platform
Hi Guys, does anyone else from the English speaker group use the Chat platform? I discovered it a few months back after a topic was posted here; regarding how to gain access...

Anyone can go into chat: Basic users also. But first, you need to change the language to Deutsch - in the menu - otherwise the “chat” does not appear .. *gg*
Is it possible to dialogue in other languages? I am interested to it, and would like to know. Because I didn't find the correct use for it. Thanks for your answer.
********rlin Frau
4.012 Beiträge
If you are IN the chatroom you can use whatever language you are able to use. As far as I understood the issue is that the chatroom itself is only being available in the german version of JC ...
*******n68 Mann
597 Beiträge
If you change your language on the menu (at the bottom) to Deutsch, THEN a new tab appears “chat”. Go to it, and you can either open a room (according to the groups that you have) or join another which is already live...

Of course, you can speak English in the “English speaker” Room (or England Room). Some busy rooms don’t like English dialogue, and tell you “Auf Deutsch”, but smaller personal rooms are generally open to other languages..

Try it and find your feet...
It is just ridiculous...if this is en English speaking group there should be no room for other languages. It is actually offensive. We live in a global world where English is the most commonly spoken language. Let's get serious now...if people speak English to close business in China and Arabic countries then...why a small language like German ?
********rlin Frau
4.012 Beiträge
@**********_1020 .....maybe because this is a german platform ?

Don't be mistaken about everybody in germany being able to communicate in a foreign language.... even though EVERY german pupil HAS to learn at least one foreign language starting from grade 5 this by no means has to say that they are able to make use of it lateron.... my french is really horrible and very very poor.... !
Well, I don't care if this is a german platform. The group clearly states : english speaking. So no need to further discuss. We all here to fun some fun and respect each other's opinions. Many countries teach their students foreign languages but if there is no practice then there is no chance to improve it.
Consider yourself lucky, up untill a couple of years ago German was the ONLY language allowed on the platform.
We worked long and hard to get English allowed.
So enjoy it - but don't take it for granted.
This is a German platform and it is owned by a German company that needs to be held accountable to German Law.... *top*
********rlin Frau
4.012 Beiträge
@**********_1020 ....the problem was by no means concerning this GROUP, and this groups chatroom, it was about the FORUM and OTHER groups. And they may well decide NOT to use any foreign language at all.
OK then. No 'foreign language" then. Deutschland über alles !!!
Thank God we live in a world where the "consumer" has choices.
********male Mann
79 Beiträge
Good morning aall.
Any English speaking ladies or couples looking to meet up please feel free to dm me.Would be great to meet some new English speaking folk .
Im Stuttenzee based. Regards James
******a19 Frau
381 Beiträge
Zitat von **********_1020:
It is just ridiculous...if this is en English speaking group there should be no room for other languages. It is actually offensive. We live in a global world where English is the most commonly spoken language. Let's get serious now...if people speak English to close business in China and Arabic countries then...why a small language like German ?
Because most of German people don't like to speak other languages except their own. And in chats especially you are also ridiculated, if you don't comply to the rules. It's imbarassing indeed.
*****y67 Mann
7 Beiträge
Anyone else use FetLife or reddit? The Berlin / German forums are almost entirely in English.
******elk Frau
91 Beiträge
No, visited fetlife, did not like that at all . So sorry.
But yes way more English speaking/writing people.
Reddit, I do not know?
********rlin Frau
4.012 Beiträge
to me it is not interesting which forum I am on. If I talk to english speaking people I do it in english, if they speak german, I'll talk to them in german. I even might try to recollect the little french that is left since schooldays...
******a19 Frau
381 Beiträge
Zitat von ******BLN:
to me it is not interesting which forum I am on. If I talk to english speaking people I do it in english, if they speak german, I'll talk to them in german. I even might try to recollect the little french that is left since schooldays...
yes it could be interesting to have the choice to speak many other languages in the platform as french language too. Here in JC there are a few French people indeed. That's a pity for me.
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