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*****ier Paar
114 Beiträge
Themenersteller Gruppen-Mod 
I was blocked by a new member after letting them join the group and then checking out the profile.

That sort of pisses me off.
An absolute no-go
*****ier Paar
114 Beiträge
Themenersteller Gruppen-Mod 
Yeah. That’s what my gut response is.

But only if the other mods agree.
Hi... There are another groups in English? O just find this.
I don't understand what happened. You allowed someone to join the group. You checked out their profile and they blocked?
*****ier Paar
114 Beiträge
Themenersteller Gruppen-Mod 
Zitat von *******n74:
I don't understand what happened. You allowed someone to join the group. You checked out their profile and they blocked?

*****ier Paar
114 Beiträge
Themenersteller Gruppen-Mod 
Zitat von ****aCh:
Hi... There are another groups in English? O just find this.

Nope this is it,

Why did you block me?
Maybe it was a mistake or force of habit?
*****ier Paar
114 Beiträge
Themenersteller Gruppen-Mod 
Zitat von *******n74:
Maybe it was a mistake or force of habit?

That’s why I am not kicking them yet.

But she has a short period of time to fix that

If not, kicked.
****dus Mann
1.182 Beiträge
I don't quite get the drama.

Maybe someone can explain the inappropriateness perceivable in this scenario,
because I don't see it.

A allows B in group. No problem.
A checks profile of B. No problem.
B choses to set A to ignore. Also not a problem because everybody's individual choice.
Now A wishes to kick B out of the group again? I fail to see anything else but a desire for retaliation, quid pro quo and all that.

But I may be missing a logical reason. Hence my inquiry.
********ster Mann
232 Beiträge
There is not a single group on a single platform where blocking admins is acceptable. @****dus
Anyone who does so gets kicked out if we notice. If you don't see the reason you may join them. Personal choice and all.
********ster Mann
232 Beiträge
In my opinion, the person who created this group, there should not have been a discussion. Block an admin, bye.
****dus Mann
1.182 Beiträge
no need to get all riled up.
I asked and got an answer.

The admin bit was the crucial element.
Now that I have been educated about the fact that blocking admins is generally frowned upon:
is there a functional reason for that?
@****dus Admins/Mods need to be able to send messages to group members that are not following the group's rules. By blocking the Admins/Mods, the member cannot be informed of group violations.

The ability of admins to communicate with group members is essential for keeping order and members safe.
****dus Mann
1.182 Beiträge
duly noted. Thank you, @*******n74
****eky Mann
357 Beiträge
Zitat von *****ier:
I was blocked by a new member after letting them join the group and then checking out the profile.

That sort of pisses me off.
So sorry about that-
I think as a guy, it's kind of routine with folks but it being extended to you as an admin is a no go.
Do have a great day still.
*****ier Paar
114 Beiträge
Themenersteller Gruppen-Mod 
They reapplied and sent a message that it was an accident and apparently they are still using the site in German rather than English. Accidents happen.

I am still blocked, but as far as I know the other mods aren't. So hopefully we can get this straightened out. I know it can be difficult stumbling through a site in a language you don't understand.
*******nd22 Mann
98 Beiträge
Zitat von *****ier:
I was blocked by a new member after letting them join the group and then checking out the profile.

That sort of pisses me off.

Some people are just crazy... This also happened to me after watching profiles...
Am I such a newbie (hardly) that I don't ever look at who visits my profile?

I'm only checking Joy for likes and messages. I figured if someone is interested in connecting with me, they would send me a like or message.

Why block visitors? What does that do other than prevent a repeat visit?
Well some people maybe don't know that when you click not for me it actually blocks the person ( I actually didn't know that and I find it crazy, a blocking option should be another tottaly different button)

Also when you play the voting game, if you "pass" somebody, it also blocks them by giving them the "not for me thing".

Now this is all supposition, if indeed it was on purpose, well it is your forum I think it is your prerogative to kick someone out or not..
*****ier Paar
114 Beiträge
Themenersteller Gruppen-Mod 
The issue has been dealt with. But I am going to keep this thread up because it has brought upbsome issues that people might not be aware of.
@****sal News to me. Thanks for sharing.
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