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Best exercises or practices to improve male’s performance

****do Mann
497 Beiträge
Best exercises or practices to improve male’s performance
I would like to ask here about the tips , exercises or even diet that you know from experience is proven to improve the male’s sexual performance. What also do you think that has a negative impact on the performance?

Thanks all
*********vers Frau
2.665 Beiträge
Hi, what is your problem with your dick and the performance?
*******_84 Mann
54 Beiträge
Generally, anything that will improve your circulation will help. So cardio and things like that. Also drink plenty of water
*******n68 Mann
597 Beiträge
Viagra! You’ll go like a V10 Winnebago…
****do Mann
497 Beiträge
Zitat von *********vers:
Hi, what is your problem with your dick and the performance?
There is no certain problem. I am just asking about the tips people would know from experience
****do Mann
497 Beiträge
Zitat von *******n68:
Viagra! You’ll go like a V10 Winnebago…
I would not prefer this solution. I am talking about general and natural tips that has long term effects
********rlin Frau
4.012 Beiträge
First of all do a week of fasting and drinking 1 litre of empty water (Mikrosiewert as low as possible) with 20 grams of Ursalz every morning. This will help your colon to get rid of old stuff.... (recommended is additionally using Flohsamenschalen and other things to really help to scrape off old plaques !)
Then help your colon to rebuild a good and healthy microbiom. Stop eating meat. Preferably go vegan, 5 elements kitchen. This will help your whole body and soul.

There is somebody I can really recommend, who does this kind of cure.

The colon is said to be our second heart and brain. This is where our immune system sits....
it will help your whole body and soul.
****do Mann
497 Beiträge
Zitat von ********rlin:
First of all do a week of fasting and drinking 1 litre of empty water (Mikrosiewert as low as possible) with 20 grams of Ursalz every morning. This will help your colon to get rid of old stuff.... (recommended is additionally using Flohsamenschalen and other things to really help to scrape off old plaques !)
Then help your colon to rebuild a good and healthy microbiom. Stop eating meat. Preferably go vegan, 5 elements kitchen. This will help your whole body and soul.

There is somebody I can really recommend, who does this kind of cure.

The colon is said to be our second heart and brain. This is where our immune system sits....
it will help your whole body and soul.

Fast for the whole week without food?
And what is 5 elements kitchen?
Does this also improve the sexual performance ?
********rlin Frau
4.012 Beiträge
sure does. Yes, no food, just a broth from various veggies and spices. Basisch. No acids... And optimal olive oil. Bio, handmade and an awesome taste.

It was a revelation .... I did not really love the shitstorm every day, but the amount of energy it brings is undisputable.
If your ody gets nutritious food that does not NEED energetic hard work to be digested, but BRINGS energy to your body, you will experience a complete new level of quality of sleep and energy during daytime. Awesome experience and you wont need no junkfood never again.
*********thing Mann
31 Beiträge
So your question is rather undefined. Everything affects performance such as; stress, lack of sleep, foods, alcohol, medicines, even genetics. I'm not sure colon cleanse and vegan diets are really an answer. Everyone has a different genetic makeup. Start by minimizing stress, add some exercises for both your body and your brain every day, and get enough sleep. Then look at your food and the quality you consume. If there are still issues, speak with a Doctor and look at vitamins and such. Your body is a machine and needs to be maintained as such. Just know that genetics plays the largest part.
********rlin Frau
4.012 Beiträge
Zitat von *********thing:
So your question is rather undefined. Everything affects performance such as; stress, lack of sleep, foods, alcohol, medicines, even genetics. I'm not sure colon cleanse and vegan diets are really an answer. Everyone has a different genetic makeup. Start by minimizing stress, add some exercises for both your body and your brain every day, and get enough sleep. Then look at your food and the quality you consume. If there are still issues, speak with a Doctor and look at vitamins and such. Your body is a machine and needs to be maintained as such. Just know that genetics plays the largest part.

...or follow Dr. Joe Dispenza and his fellow colleagues to learn how to repair/alter your genes.... *zwinker*
****021 Paar
382 Beiträge
Look into ur psyche 2 id.mental blocks, work w/them. @*******ver, like their approach. DnD
*******uce Mann
19 Beiträge
Kegell exercises ? A good sleep schedule and so on ?
******kDe Mann
30 Beiträge
For me being relaxed and sensual foreplay and kissing is key, if my head is not turned on it ain't happening ...
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