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Book recommendations

*********enix Mann
180 Beiträge
Book recommendations
Hi folks,
I am looking for book recommendations.
What books should I read?
I like to read the english written literature sometimes it's better then the translated version. So I like the pure and origin.

Please I am not interested in the big writers like John Grisham, Tom Clancy or Stephen King. I am interested what is beside the topsellers.

Beauty's favourite @Argunar (2013)
******ool Frau
31.162 Beiträge
What is the genre you prefer?
I read loads of crime and thriller in English
*********enix Mann
180 Beiträge
I read nearly every genre. Crime and Thriller are welcome. *zwinker*
Beauty's favourite @Argunar (2013)
******ool Frau
31.162 Beiträge
********toni Paar
11 Beiträge
Hmm interesting choices - if you want some where the English is a bit more challenging - in that it also has English (or Scottish, or Irish) humour and irony you might like to try:

Christopher Brookmyre

Richard Osman (currenlty hugely popular in the UK)

Jodi Taylor

…and more seriously perhaps Michael Russell (about an irish Police Inspector in the 1930’s)
********rlin Frau
4.012 Beiträge all time favs are def Douglas Adams "Hitch hikers guide to the galaxy - A trilogy in five folumes" and David and Leigh Eddings "Belgariad" and "Malloreon Saga", all together 10 Books plus two huge volumes concerning two of the main characters.

I have read all of them in the german translation and (of course) in the english original !

I could not agree more, that all too often important jokes and details get "lost in translation" so I too love to read books in their original (english) language.

Btw anyone ever tried Roald Dahl ?? *zwinker*
****lon Mann
2.770 Beiträge
*********enix Mann
180 Beiträge
Thank you all for your recommendations.
I am looking forward what will come up.
Anything by Terry Pratchett, for fun and a very particular type of cult geek culture - fabulous! 😁

The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield is an absolutely cracking story.

Barcelona Plates by Alexei Sayle is a bit dated but still very funny and a good insight into British humour.
*****ier Paar
114 Beiträge
Iain Banks is my go to author. His science fiction series is absolutely awesome but he also has standard fiction that is lively.

T.C. Boyle is awesome especially if you are in to somewhat more political stuff and current events.

Neal Stephenson is sort of all over the place as far as subject matter but for fans of really well researched books that sometimes verge on speculative journalism ( and aren’t afraid of commuting to a 1000 pager) he’s one of the best.
Yes to Iain Banks - ans his Iain M. Banks series too - excellent!
"children of time" from adrian tchaikovsky, just made a podcast about the book, sadly in germany. No one wants to make an english podcast with me.
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