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New Years Plans?

*********life Frau
222 Beiträge
New Years Plans?
It’s shocking that today is already Boxing Day and the end of the year snuck up quickly.

Many of my friends are coupled and often spend New Years sequestered with their significant other, Netflix and some mind altering substance.

I live in PBerg Berlin and getting home after a celebration can be tricky as people are shooting fireworks sometimes at cars street level. I read something that they are charging a cover to get in to the area near the gate this year.

Have not found anything appealing as of yet and was wondering what others plans are for the sweeping in of the New Year.
I also lived in Prenzlauer Berg for several years. There were always some small parties, which was fun, and at midnight, you could climb onto the roofs of the houses. This year, I'm in Dresden, and we're going to a dance party with fireworks over the Elbe River—without substances *party2* . I'll take the car; that protects against rocket attacks. *feuerwerk*
*******88_1 Mann
5 Beiträge
When it comes to new year eve i try to go to party in evening and stay inside from 10pm to atleast 3pm to avoid the chaotic firework of berlin. but this year so far i dont have any plan so am looking forward to find any good parties to register.
*****ier Mann
994 Beiträge
I'd assume, that in a city like Berlin there must be cillion of parties to attend. What little that I know Berlin people are usually open minded and one should be easily able to connect.
Living quite country side, we ususlly get together with a couple o' friends, have something to eat and celebrate. Shooting fireworks on the streets is common as well and as there aren't too many people outside it's rather safe (as it can be anyways).
But I'd avoid fireworks @ the central places in big cities.
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