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Casual meeting for fun together

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997 Beiträge
Casual meeting for fun together
Some friends want to meet on Saturday, June 8th. at our place. We thought: why not, let's have a casual, hot get-together without doing an event! So there is no published guest list and no further obligations.

So if you are a couple or a single woman and ready for uncomplicated hot fun, please write to us in Clubmail. If we don't know each other, it's best to send your photo too. Please only write if you are also open for partner exchange.

We'll take care of hygiene products, drinks, etc. We'll take you in if you fit in with the rest of the group. Please don't be upset if it doesn't fit this time. Of course there will be another time.
********orro Mann
21 Beiträge
Where will that take place? Thanks
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997 Beiträge
Zitat von ********orro:
Where will that take place? Thanks
****ck1 Mann
1 Beitrag
Hi! Is this open to guys to single men too?
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