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English-speaking Photographers

English-speaking Photographers
Are there many fluent English-speaking photographers in Berlin?

I’m interested to do a lingerie / tasteful nudes (no clear face) shoot and would feel more comfortable with an English speaker.

My self
****ldx Mann
1.176 Beiträge
Sorry samiXberg,

I'm afraid to this job not in Berlin. Maybe you visit somtimes the City of Cologne?
It's would be nice to meet you in Cologne in the future.

Kindly regards,
Thanks Harald. If I visit I’ll let you know.
My self
****ldx Mann
1.176 Beiträge
Many thanks SamiXberg! I wish you an nice evening and weekend in Berlin.
****CU Mann
280 Beiträge
Hi Samy,
I really would love to train my english again a bit. *zwinker*
Altough I am living near Cologne / Bonn I am in Berlin regulary.
Next time will be during March (21st to 26th)

So if you are interested and my kind of pictures find your acceptance I would love to hear from you.
Hi! That might work. Can you message me directly and we can chat?
****CU Mann
280 Beiträge
done *zwinker*
*******at50 Mann
1 Beitrag
I'd be happy to help. I'm an English speaking Canadian living in Friedrichshain with portrait experience. Let me know if you're interested. I'd love to explore more portraiture.
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