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Need Help? Quick questions and answers!

*********son73 Frau
37.783 Beiträge
Good evening @*******0_86 *g*

You can change your place of residence by going to: Manage Profile and then Account.

Best regards
****ar Paar
11 Beiträge

quick and short question, we are registered for the event (Rampapa poolparty Edition) and we are wondering why this is not visible on our profile and wall?? this is usually automatically visible when you register, isn't it??

Thank you and best regards,
Ksenja & Marco
********ll16 Paar
1.153 Beiträge
Zitat von ****ar:

quick and short question, we are registered for the event (Rampapa poolparty Edition) and we are wondering why this is not visible on our profile and wall?? this is usually automatically visible when you register, isn't it??

Thank you and best regards,
Ksenja & Marco

Hey there,
@****ar probably you have to adjust your privacy-settings -> Datenschutz-Einstellungen

...and yes, normaly an event is visible at once after registration, as long as you are not on a waiting-list for the event (admitance is done by the event-owner)
Andy & Evi
****ar Paar
11 Beiträge
Thank you very much for the answer, it was really set up that way, although I don't know how it happened, because we didn't change anything and it was always seen until now. Thank you once again and greetings from Ljubljana,
****_yk Mann
2 Beiträge
May I have someone help me in creating a good profile? Thank you.
********ll16 Paar
1.153 Beiträge
Zitat von ****_yk:
May I have someone help me in creating a good profile? Thank you.

@****_yk you can fin help and advise in the following group: -> ProfilGestaltung
*******A_17 Mann
25.609 Beiträge
Hello @****_yk

First of all, welcome to the Joyclub. *huhu*

In addition to the good tip from the person before me, I also recommend that you check the authenticity.
As a verified member, you will be trusted even more.
Membership in groups is also easier to achieve. Many groups only accept verified members.

Find out more about authenticity checks here: JOY-Hilfe

And here you can go directly to the verification:
Freiwillige Echtheitsprüfung

I wish you lots of fun and success in Joyclub *vielglueck*

Best regards *blume*
****_yk Mann
2 Beiträge
Zitat von *******A_17:
Hello @****_yk

First of all, welcome to the Joyclub. *huhu*

In addition to the good tip from the person before me, I also recommend that you check the authenticity.
As a verified member, you will be trusted even more.
Membership in groups is also easier to achieve. Many groups only accept verified members.

Find out more about authenticity checks here: JOY-Hilfe

And here you can go directly to the verification:
Freiwillige Echtheitsprüfung

I wish you lots of fun and success in Joyclub *vielglueck*

Best regards *blume*

@*******A_17 Thank you very much for your answer, let me try.
******xx2 Mann
1 Beitrag
Awful news that the wonderful STEIEHAUS ERLEBNISCLUB in Hattingen has closed … it was fantastic, is there a club nearby which is as good ?!?
*********Pain Paar
3.668 Beiträge
Hey @******xx2

Unfortunately, you probably won't get a good recommendation for another club in this thread.
But I recommend that you ask your question in a group Gruppen

For example Swinger NRW

You will reach more members there who may be able to help you.

For some groups you will need the Verification Kostenlose Echtheits- und FSK18-Prüfung via Video

You can search for clubs in the region yourself here Swingerclubs

Or you can ask your question here Treffpunkte, Locations und Swingerclubs , but in German, can help you there *zwinker*

Best wishes and have fun at the *joyclub*

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