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American breakfast/Frühstück amerikanisch

In to the void - beauty goes „vertigo“
******ool Frau
31.617 Beiträge
Themenersteller Gruppen-Mod 
American breakfast/Frühstück amerikanisch
Since the USA are a vast accumulation of different states with a Great variety of cultures and respective styles of cooking, it‘s Safe to say, that there is Not ONE typical American breakfast.

So - let‘s listen to the folks from the states Living as expatriates or from People who are living there, what they would like to serve us for breakfast

One surprise I found is that

Gigantic Froot Loops now exist — but they're not actually cereal
Dreams really do come true. … t136526?cid=eml_tfo_20180901

But I‘m Not sure if I‘d like my breakfast in a Multi-coloured *einhorn* Style!
Besides aren‘t Doughnuts the typical Breakfast solely for *polizei*?


Was sind eure beliebtesten Rezepte aus der Welt des amerikanischen Frühstücks - quer durch alle der Vereinigten Staaten?
Pancakes are typical.
In to the void - beauty goes „vertigo“
******ool Frau
31.617 Beiträge
Themenersteller Gruppen-Mod 
But American pancakes
Pancakes are typical.

Are usually thicker and fluffier than German pancakes or Crêpes
And served with Maple syrup

So that‘s why I would like to know, How You whip *peitsche* them up *liebguck*
Are usually thicker and fluffier than German pancakes or Crêpes
And served with Maple syrup

That's right. I've baked them.
********ster Mann
234 Beiträge
It really is very diverse.
You baked Ame pancakes?!!!

I normally ate sugary cereals for breakfast. But my mom can't cook.

As a grown up I prefer breakfast tacos or burritos. Sometimes I make pancakes, potatoes, and bacon for the family or overnight guests. I have the opportunity sometimes to make breakfast for touring musicians. That is always fun. They really appreciate a hot morning meal. German breakfast is something even after 7 years that I can not get into.

Mix the Ingredients and than bake them in Butter.
In to the void - beauty goes „vertigo“
******ool Frau
31.617 Beiträge
Themenersteller Gruppen-Mod 
Fluffig Buttermilk pancakes with Apples cooked with Ginger and elderberries juice

Buttermilch-Pfannkuchen mit Ingwer-Apfelkompott in Holundersaft gekocht
********ster Mann
234 Beiträge
For the kid.
My daughter's sweet sixteen birthday Ame breakfast. French toast with orange cinnamon batter. Texmex spiced country potatoes and demeter regional bacon.
In to the void - beauty goes „vertigo“
******ool Frau
31.617 Beiträge
Themenersteller Gruppen-Mod 
Pancakes ... batter made with yoghurt
With strawberries, blueberries and bananas caramellized in honey seasoned with 🌶, Vanilla and cinnamon

And the little black dots are
Chia seeds
Joghurt-Pfannkuchen (mit chia-Samen) mit Früchten karamellisiert in Honig mit Chili, Vanille und Zimt
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