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********unkt Mann
162 Beiträge
Eins meiner Hobbys ist es, Gedichte zu schreiben. Vielleicht weniger ein Hobby, mehr ein gelebtes Gefühl.


Tame me, game me, blame me, name me,
Demanding, asking, chin up, bend knee,
The past has been written like locked up memories,
With Ink on paper, this history of injuries,
The book of the fallen, fucking autobiography,
Uuuuuu-agh, taste so vile, spit and bile, immer und ewig der selbe Schmerz, leider geil?

Oder eher nicht so, Festkrallen am Vergangenen, Vorwürfe der Erwachsenen, liebe Eltern, darf ich denn...
Sei brav mein Kind, dann hauts auch hin,
Oder sonst, haut wer hin,
burning hands spanking precious skin,
fuck the devil, enjoyment, sin,
Even Marshall wants to murder Kim,
Wo macht der Scheiss denn bitte Sinn,
Naja, der Schmerz lauert im verborgenen,
Lass mich ihn spüren, again AGAIN.

und doch, alles hat ein Ende, denn sonst führt es ja zu nichts,
Der Geist ist dehnbar, bis er bricht, damit währt keiner sein Gesicht, als ob wir es auch offen trügen, hinter Masken, hinter Lügen,
Verbirgt sich meist das Schuldgefühl,
Gefühl, fühlen, feel, emotion,
That beaten ass could use some lotion,
Cooling, calming, put on with care,
Start the healing, if we should dare,
Someone is asking, please, who did this,
The same voice begging for forgiveness?
Close the circle, combine the two,
Unwritten words, fresh ink, start new,
A shadow cast on those blank pages,
A Phoenix rising from the ashes,
And I know there will be fun in this,
Adventure calling, or ...
To tame a lioness.

********unkt Mann
162 Beiträge

My known, my friend, my dearest lover,
Bitch in hell who needs to suffer,
Don't mention the unspeakable,
It's all my fault, can't you tell,
It was my choice, I did the action,
It's all on me, not just a fraction,
Hidden inside, for none to see,
It always has been, me me ME,
I am the venom, I do destroy,
Killing life, denying joy,
Every circle I skip this part,
Keep it closed, don't fill my heart,
Each cry for help, unheard, in vain,
And still I'm drowning in my pain,
Fight fight fight, gasping for air,
Deepest night, the devil's mare,

Do you really think I care?

Guess what, I see the real you,
Illuminated, through and through,
Nothing but love, accept my gift,
Light filling up your darkest rift,
Nasty, dirty, beautiful,
All your colors make you whole,
A little faith is all you need,
Surrender, fall, let go, just breath,
Feel the lightness, feel the beat,
Your heart a bird, no cage, just freed,
It's not panic, it's excitement,
Your life, your passion, our enlightenment,
Trust me, believe yourself, together bound,
We just make the world go round.

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