Fundierte Antwort und Teebaumöl
Liebe Mediziner Profis in weiß,leider sind mir in diesem Thread lediglich ein bis zwei fachlich fundierte Meinungen aufgefallen, die den Anspruch erfüllen medizinisch professionell zu sein. Anstatt froh über die ausführliche Darstellung zu sein, wird aber gleich mal darüber hergezogen.
Allergien sind mir bisher keine bekannt, nicht einmal aus dem Australischen Gebiet
Extra für Herrn Polybaer:
Hier ein Abstract zum Thema Sensibilisierung durch Teebaumöl:
Dermatitis. 2012 Jan-Feb;23(1) Tea tree oil.
Larson D1, Jacob SE.
Tea tree oil is an increasingly popular ingredient in a variety of household and cosmetic products, including shampoos, massage oils, skin and nail creams, and laundry detergents. Known for its potential antiseptic properties, it has been shown to be active against a variety of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and mites. The oil is extracted from the leaves of the tea tree via steam distillation. This essential oil possesses a sharp camphoraceous odor followed by a menthol-like cooling sensation. Most commonly an ingredient in topical products, it is used at a concentration of 5% to 10%. Even at this concentration, it has been reported to induce contact sensitization and allergic contact dermatitis reactions. In 1999, tea tree oil was added to the North American Contact Dermatitis Group screening panel. The latest prevalence rates suggest that 1.4% of patients referred for patch testing had a positive reaction to tea tree oil.
Freundliche Grüße aus dem Bayerischen
Herr Marzipan