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Part II - Eure Lieblingsfotos aus erotischen Shootings515
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Eure lieblings Lyrics

Eure lieblings Lyrics

Aus einer Laune heraus ist mir die Idee zu diesem Thread gekommen.
Vielleicht habt ihr ja Lust auch ein paar Beiträge zu posten.
Welche Lyrics gehen euch nahe? Welche Texte vergöttert ihr, weil sie einfach wahr sind oder etwas in euch ansprechen?

Ich mache mal den Anfang:

When The Lights Are Down

Rules without exceptions last eternally
Every move you make creates your destiny
I've come to soak my sorrow in halo black
As black as the seal on my soul

'cause when the lights are down
There's no more to say
Love is the real pain
An internal revolution in my minds
And when the lights are down
You're so far away
Tell me your real name
In the silence of the darkness we unite

[Rules without exceptions last eternally
Every move you make creates your destiny]
What can protect me from the past
And all the things that I have done
She told me and then she was gone

But when the lights are down
There's no more to say
Deep in the shadows
Where the last of my delusions made a stand
'cause When the lights are down
She'll take me away
Tell me her real name
And in death we'll live the love we never had

Oh come all ye faithful beneath the moon
Into the void as one
Marching on

'cause When the lights are down
There's no more to say
Love is the real pain
An internal revolution in my minds
'cause When the lights are down
She'll take me away
Tell me her real name
And in death we'll live the love we never had

(Kamelot - The Black Halo)
Metallica - Unforgiven - einfach unvergeßlich
New blood joins this earth
and quikly he's subdued
through constant pained disgrace
the young boy learns their rules

with time the child draws in
this whipping boy done wrong
deprived of all his thoughts
the young man struggles on and on he's known
a vow unto his own
that never from this day
his will they'll take away

» what I've felt
» what I've known
» never shined through in what I've shown
» never be
» never see
» won't see what might have been

» what I've felt
» what I've known
» never shined through in what I've shown
» never free
» never me
» so I dub the unforgiven

they dedicate their lives
to running all of his
he tries to please them all
this bitter man he is
throughout his life the same
he's battled constantly
this fight he cannot win
a tired man they see no longer cares
the old man then prepares
to die regretfully
that old man here is me

» what I've felt
» what I've known
» never shined through in what I've shown
» never be
» never see
» won't see what might have been

» what I've felt
» what I've known
» never shined through in what I've shown
» never free
» never me
» so I dub the unforgiven

you labeled me
I'll label you
so I dub the unforgiven
kamelot ist der oberkracher und der song sowieso!!!

I don´t know where I´m going
But, I sure know where I´ve been
Hanging on the promises
In songs of yesterday
And I´ve made up my mind
I ain´t wasting no more time
But, here I go again
Here I go again

So I keep searching for an answer
I never seem to find what I´m looking for
Oh Lord, I pray
You give me strength to carry on
Cos I know what it means
To walk along the lonely street of dreams

And here I go again on my own
Goin down the only road I've ever known
Like a drifter I was born to walk alone
An I´ve made up my mind
I ain´t wasting no more time

I´m just another heart in need of rescue
Waiting on loves sweet charity
And I´m gonna hold on
For the rest of my days
Cos I know what it means
To walk along the lonely street of dreams

And here I go again on my own
Going down the only road I´ve ever known
Like a drifter I was born to walk alone
And I´ve made up my mind
I ain´t wasting no more time
But here I go again
Here I go again
Here I go again
Here I go again

Cos I know what it means
To walk along the lonely street of dreams

And here I go again on my own
Going down the only road I´ve ever known
Like a drifter I was born to walk alone
And I´ve made up my mind
I ain´t wasting no more time

And here I go again on my own
Going down the only road I¹ve ever known
Like a drifter I was born to walk alone
Cos I know what it means
To walk along the lonely street of dreams

*g* das kennt ihr eh alle!!!!
für mich sind es meistens eher Textteile und Passagen, die mir entweder gerade eine Situation so perfekt wiedergeben, dass man glaubt, der Song sei nur dafür geschrieben. Oder wo das "Bild" einfach gefällt, ohne das es einen realen Bezug gibt. Bestes Beispiel ist Summoning!!! Geniales Verschmelzen von Text, Musik und Atmopshäre

My star, I saw it high and far
At the parting of the ways
A light on the edge of the outer night
Like silver set ablaze
Where the round world plunges steeply down
But on the old roads goes
As an unseen bridge that on arches runs
To coasts that no man knows

I would not find the burning domes and sands
Where reigns the sun, nor dare the snows
Nor seek in mountains dark the landscapes of the men
long lost to where no pathway goes

Summoning- Long lost to where no pathwa goes)

Crushed, empty, weary,
Always standing, I am a tree
Awaiting the lightning
(Samael - Crown)

-> Hrm...übrigens verbringe ich meine Tage nicht depressiv und suizidal in meinem schwarzgestrichenen Zimmer! Tatsächlich bin ich ein lebensbejahender Mensch der einfach gut gemachte Musik zu schätzen weiß (und Samael und Summoning gehören definitiv dazu, Ende der Diskussion! ^^)
rise against survive
"how we survive is what makes us who we are" hats sogar als tattoo auf meinen rücken geschafft *zwinker*

Somewhere between happy, and total fucking wreck
Feet sometimes on solid ground, sometimes at the edge
To spend your waking moments, simply killing time
Is to give up on your hopes and dreams, to give up on your...

Life for you has been less than kind
So take a number stand in line
We've all been sorry we've all been hurt
But how we survive is what makes us who we are

An obvious disinterest, a barely managed smile
A deep nod in agreement, a status quo exile
I shirk my obligations, I miss all your deadlines
I excel at quitting early, and fucking up my life

All smiles and sunshine, a perfect world on a perfect day
Everything always works out, I have never felt so fucking great
All smiles and sunshine, a perfect world on a perfect day
Everything always works out, I have never felt so great

Are we verging on an answer,
or fucking up our...
Für immer von Doro
Bleib dir treu
Niemals auseinandergehn
Werden zueinanderstehn
Für immer

Keine Macht
Wird uns jemals trennen
Werde wie ein Tier drum kämpfen
Du lernst mich kennen

Denn Freunde gehn mir über alles - immer
Ich werd immer für dich sein - für immer
Deep inside my heart - für immer
Deep inside my heart - für immer
Deep inside my heart - I see you and me

So lange Zeit
Seh ich dich - Geborgenheit
In Freiheit

Mut und Kraft
Führen mich durch jeden Tag
Begleiten uns in tiefster Nacht
bald geschafft

Ich würd mein Leben
Für dich geben - immer
Werden alles überstehn - für immer
Deep inside my heart - für immer
Deep inside my heart - für immer
Deep inside my heart

There's a message in this sound
Hay una promessa en el sonido
Für immer zusammen
Werden uns niemals trennen
uns niemals trennen

Deep inside my heart - für immer
deep inside my heart - für immer
Deep inside my heart - I see you and me
**********TUAL6 Mann
43 Beiträge
kurz frage bevor ich hier die seiten in beschlag nehme und evt voll mülle,ist die anzahl am songtexten beschränckt?soll nur aus der kategorie metal oder auch andere stille?habt ihr wirklich lust so viel zu lesen *mrgreen*!

komme jetzt so auf über 20 lieblings lyrics beim kurzen überfliegen,bin noch nicht am ende und glaube nicht das ich mich nur auf einen favorisieren könnte! *panik*

dlg schattenritual6
*g* Ist so ein Thread begrenzt?
Man kann ja nach und nach posten und nicht alles auf ein mal. Jeder hat sicherlich mehrere Texte, die zu den Favoriten gehören, nicht?
*****_73 Mann
6 Beiträge

And so I cannot see your face
Oh how I wish that I could
But all your beauty and your grace
Lies in a chest made of wood

Buried in the dirt
Impossible to see
That’s why I’m hurt
You’re invisible to me

I feel like I was blind
No light around me
Only Darkness in my mind
So I cannot see

Buried in the dirt
Impossible to see
That’s why I’m hurt
You’re invisible to me

Cold Distance
*********Kiel Paar
194 Beiträge
Knorkator-Schüchtern / Manson-The Last Day on Earth

Ich bin so scheu und unauffällig,
weder witzig noch gesellig.
Ich gebe mich nicht selbstbewußt
und hab kein Feuer in der Brust.
Bin ich in der Öffentlichkeit,
überkommt mich Unsicherheit.
Ich kriege keinen Ton heraus,
wünsch mir ein großes Schneckenhaus.

Warum bin ich so schüchtern,
zurückhaltend und nüchtern,
bescheiden und verklemmt,
unsicher und gehemmt?!

Ich besitze kein Temperament,
bin nicht spontan und mitreißend,
handle vernünftig und gesetzt,
tu nie etwas, das richtig fetzt.
Hab Angst, etwas falsch zu machen,
dass alle über mich lachen.
Mein ganzes Leben bin ich schon
die Langeweile in Person.

Warum bin ich so schüchtern,
zurückhaltend und nüchtern,
besonnen und vernünftig,
wie einer über 50?!

Ich hab die ganze Scheiße satt.
Ab morgen wendet sich das Blatt.
Nun werden mit harten Drogen
andre Seiten aufgezogen:

Hemmungslos mein Geld verprassen,
Frauen an die Titten fassen,
kotzen in der Öffentlichkeit,
nackt rumspringen, mit Beine breit,
laut versaute Witze reißen,
lachend auf die Strasse scheißen,
endlich so sein, wie sich ´s gehört,
und nicht mehr verhaltensgestört!

Ein wilder, starker Tiger,
ein Supermann, ein Sieger,
gelenkt von seinen Trieben,
wie es die Frauen lieben!

Warum bin ich so schüchtern,
zurückhaltend und nüchtern,
sensibel und verletzlich,
mit einem Wort: Entsetzlich!

Es gibt natürlich noch unzählige andere schöne Texte...
Manson ist für mich einer der großen Lyriker, Knorkator machen einfach Laune.

The Last Day on Earth Songtext

Yesterday was a million years ago,
In all my past lives I played an asshole.
Now I found you, it's almost too late,
And this earth seems obliviating.

We are trembling in our crutches,
High and dead our skin is glass.
I'm so empty here without you,
I crack my xerox hands.

I know its the last day on earth,
We'll be together while the planet dies.
I know it's the last day on Earth,
We'll never say goodbye.

And the dogs slaughter each other softly,
Love burns its casualties.
We are damaged provider modules,
Spill the seeds at our children's feet.
I'm so empty here without you,
I know they want me dead.

And I know its the last day on Earth,
We'll be together while the planet dies.
And I know it's the last day on Earth,
We'll never say goodbye.

And I know its the last day on Earth,
We'll be together while the planet dies.
And I know it's the last day on Earth,
We'll never say goodbye.

And I know its the last day on Earth,
We'll be together while the planet dies.
And I know it's the last day on Earth,
We'll never say goodbye.

We'll never say goodbye…
*********love Paar
64 Beiträge
Hallo Zusammen
Ist schon etwas älter.
Bringt aber einen immer wieder zum lächeln.

"Break Stuff"

Its just one of those days
When you don't wanna wake up
Everything is fucked
Everybody sux
You don't really know why
But you want justify
Rippin' someone's head off
No human contact
And if you interact
Your life is on contract
Your best bet is to stay away motherfucker
It's just one of those days!!

Its all about the he says she says bullshit
I think you better quit
Lettin' shit slip
Or you'll be leavin with a fat lip
Its all about the he says she says bullshit
I think you better quit talkin that shit
(Punk, so come and get it)
Its just one of those days
Feelin' like a freight train
First one to complain
Leaves with a blood stain
Damn right I'm a maniac
You better watch your back
Cuz I'm fuckin' up your program
And if your stuck up
You just lucked up
Next in line to get fucked up
Your best bet is to stay away motherfucker
Its just one of those days!!


I feel like shit
My suggestion is to keep your distance cuz right now im dangerous
We've all felt like shit
And been treated like shit
All those motherfuckers that want to step up
I hope you know I pack a chain saw
I'll skin your ass raw
And if my day keeps goin' this way I just might break somethin' tonight...
I hope you know I pack a chain saw
I'll skin your ass raw
And if my day keeps goin' this way I just might break somethin' tonight...
I hope you know I pack a chain saw
I'll skin your ass raw
And if my day keeps goin' this way I just might break your fuckin' face tonight!!
Give me somethin' to break
Give me somethin' to break
Just give me somethin' to break
How bout your fuckin' face
I hope you know I pack a chain saw, what!!...
A chain saw, what!!...
A motherfucking chain saw, what!!...
So come and get it
Wenn deine Beziehung im Eimer ist, kommen Slayer immer gut. Und wenn man den Text von Threshold in die Richtung liest, kann man ihn schön mitschreien bis die Nachbarn ärgerlich werden *zwinker*

I don't want to see, I don't want to hear
I don't want to feel anything
Can't you understand
Everything I do doesn't stem from you
It doesn't have a fucking thing
to do with you
I just want to die Throw it all away
Never have to feel again
the way you make me
Lose my fuckin' mind all the fuckin' time
Can't control the violence
that's spewing from me
Take It
I can't control the rage that flows from me
I can't shut it down it overwhelms me
I can't stop the rage that flows from me
Can't Stop The
I love it
No one's immune to hate that flows from it
I feed on it
Every fucking endless day
You're either on my side
or else You're In my way
No one stands a chance when
I'm lashing out
Random hate
there is no other way
It's my discipline
it's my way of life

Never wanted bliss
never wanted you
Never needed anyone
I've polluted
Everything you feel everything you are
Everything you'll ever be
you repulse me
It's always about you always come at me
With shit I can't identify
you know it makes me
Lose my fuckin' mind all the fuckin' time
Can't control the violence
that's spewing from me
Take It
Can't stop the
I love it
No one's immune to hate that flows from it
I feed on it
Every fucking endless day
You're either on my side
or else you're in my way
No one stands a chance when I'm lashing out
Random hate there is no other way
It's my discipline it's my way of life
I can't stop the rage
i can't stop the hate yeah
i can't control the violence
Van Canto - Last Night of the Kings
The castle is lit with candles and torches
The carriages of the nobles arrive in front
The smell of splendor and decadence
And nobody can foresee
The masters and the mistresses are walking into the hall
They are smiling and laughing and showing that they are tall
They don´t recognize that we´re waiting there
And just nobody can foresee
This is the last night of the kings

We are the folk
And we have the right
To stand up and to fight
For an independent life
We are the force
We are the might
And we will stand up
For an independent life

The ball has begun and we´re closing our trap
Inwardly we´re gathering ourselves
While the dance comes to higher pace
Still nobody can foresee
Joining the circles, in black robes unknown
Unseathing our swords and get ready to dance
Our hearts are filled with the will to survive
In this last night of their life
It´s a murderous, murderous ball night

We are the folk
And we have the right
To stand up and to fight
For an independent life
We are the force
We are the might
And we will stand up
For an independent life

We are heroes
Heroes of the night
We are ready to live forevermore
Our gods lead us through this fight
On and on
We are one and on our way

We are the folk
And we have the right
To stand up and to fight
For an independent life
We are the force
We are the might
And we will stand up
For an independent life

Hat mich beim ersten Hören unendlich berührt und gibt für mich auch zusätzlich noch das Feeling der Mistborn Saga von Brandon Sanderson wieder...
Besonders die zweite STrophe macht mir immer wieder Gänsehaut!
*******_FFM Paar
8 Beiträge
*liebe es!
hier auch mal was von mir....
mein absolutes lieblingslied und das schon seit haren ^^
ich find den text einfach total schön.
tolles liebesgeständniss

liebe grüße

TO/DIE/FOR - live in you

I need you like a vampire needs blood
am I in love for real
my whole soul is aching for you

should I be happy or should I cry
I don't know I've never felt this way before
there's nothing sacred but you

if you'll bleed I'll bleed with you
if you! (will) die I will die with you
is this the feeling called love

will you take this death from me
if it makes us feel that we are alive
there is nothing sacred but you and I

as the blood runs in your veins
I wanna be inside of you
I wanna live in you as the pain you
wanna keep inside! (you) !

I need you like the devil needs sin
you are my obsession
I will never let you go
Ich mag total die Lyrics..
von Savatage..die meisten Songs berühren mich total,
aber am meisten BELIEVE

So after all these one night stands
You've ended up with heart in hand
A child alone
On your own
Regretful for the things you're not
And all dreams you haven't got
Without a home
A heart of stone
Lies bleeding

And for all the roads you followed
And for all you did not find
And for all the things you had to leave behind

I am the way
I am the light
I am the dark inside the night
I hear your hopes
I feel your dreams
And in the dark
I hear your screams
Don't turn away
Just take my hand
And when you make your final stand
I'll be right there
I'll never leave
All I ask of you

Your childhood eyes were so intense
While bartering your innocence
For bits of string
Grown-up wings
You needed

But when you had to add them up
You found that they were not enough
To get you in
Pay for sins repeated

And for all the years you borrowed
And for all the tears you cried
And for all the fears you had to keep inside

I am the way
I am the light
I am the dark inside the night
I hear your hopes
I feel your dreams
And in the dark
I hear your screams

Don't turn away
Just take my hand
And when you make your final stand
I'll be right there
I'll never leave
And all I ask of you is

I never wanted to know
Never wanted to see
I wasted my time
Till time wasted me
Never wanted to go
Always wanted to stay
'Cause the person I am
Are the parts that I play
So I plot and I plan
Hope and I scheme
To the lure of a night
Filled with unfinished dreams
And I'm holding on tight
To a world gone astray
As they charge me for years
I can't pay

I am the way
I am the light
I am the dark inside the night
I hear your hopes
I feel your dreams
And in the dark
I hear your screams Don't turn away
Just take my hand
And when you make your final stand
I'll be right there
I'll never leave
And all I ask of you is
********mind Frau
414 Beiträge
Stairway to Heaven..
aus aktuellem Anlaß:

Led Zeppelin:

There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to heaven
When she gets there she knows
If the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for

Ooooo, and she's buying a stairway to heaven.

There's a sign on the wall
But she wants to be sure
'Cause you know, sometimes words have two meanings
In a tree by the brook there's a songbird who sings sometimes
All of our thoughts are misgiven

Ooooo, it makes me wonder
Ooooo, it makes me wonder

There's a feeling I get when I look to the west
And my spirit is crying for leaving
In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees
And the voices of those who stand looking

Ooooo, it makes me wonder
Ooooo, it really makes me wonder

And it's whispered that soon if we all call the tune
Then the piper will lead us to reason
And a new day will dawn for those who stand long
And the forests will echo with laughter

If there's a bustle in your hedgerow don't be alarmed now
It's just a spring clean for the May-queen
Yes there are two paths you can go by
But in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on

And it makes me wonder (Ooh)

Your head is humming and it won't go - in case you don't know
The piper's calling you to join him
Dear lady can you hear the wind blow
And did you know your stairway lies on the whispering wind

And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last
When all are one and one is all (yeah)
To be a rock and not to roll

And she's buying a stairway to heaven...
*********love Paar
64 Beiträge
Disturbed - Land of Confusion
Der Song stammt eigentlich von Genesis.
Der Text ist jedoch Zeitlos.

"Land Of Confusion"

[Originally by Genesis]

I must have dreamed a thousand dreams
Been haunted by a million screams
But I can hear the marching feet
They're moving into the street

Now, did you read the news today?
They say the danger has gone away
But I can see the fire's still alight
They're burning into the night

There's too many men, too many people
Making too many problems
And there's not much love to go around
Can't you see this is a land of confusion?

This is the world we live in
And these are the hands we're given
Use them and let's start trying
To make it a place worth living in

Oh, superman, where are you now?
When everything's gone wrong somehow?
The men of steel, these men of power
Are losing control by the hour

This is the time, this is the place
So we look for the future
But there's not much love to go around
Tell me why this is a land of confusion

This is the world we live in
And these are the hands we're given
Use them and let's start trying
To make it a place worth living in

I remember long ago
When the sun was shining
And all the stars were bright all through the night
In the wake of this madness, as I held you tight
So long ago

I won't be coming home tonight
My generation will put it right
We're not just making promises
That we know we'll never keep

There's too many men, too many people
Making too many problems
And there's not much love to go round
Can't you see this is a land of confusion?

Now, this is the world we live in
And these are the hands we're given
Use them and let's start trying
To make it a place worth fighting for

This is the world we live in
And these are the names we're given
Stand up and let's start showing
Just where our lives are going to
*******_FFM Paar
8 Beiträge
land of confusion
der text ist wirklich episch!
********mind Frau
414 Beiträge
Sail On..
I see your picture, laughter from yesterday
Silence all around me, except the voice from the TV
And I still can't believe it's over
But time will heal all wounds I know

We sail on to dreamland, we'll meet there one day
We share our feelings, we'll be okay

Staring out the windows, dreaming of the past
The good times and the bad times, they are here to last
And I hope it's getting better
Cause time will heal all wounds, I know

We sail on to dreamland, we'll meet there one day
We share our feelings, we'll be okay
One day

Headache in the morning from wasted nights before
Welcome to the real world, knocking at the door
And I believe it's getting better
And there's one thing that I do know..

Gamma_Ray : Music: Hansen/Lyrics: Hansen
*******7172 Paar
148 Beiträge
Unser Lied

Love me in Black

Didn't they tell You the way that it's gonna be
You asked god for a woman and ended up with me
Maybe I'll love you maybe I'll pull you apart
We live in darkness l've pulled you into my friend
There's no escaping this hell that I've put you in
You must forgive me but loving me is a sin

Are you ready for me
Do you love me in black
I'll will push you away
Then make you come back
I can make you feel love
I can be so detached
Do you really want me
Do you love me in black

When I first met you I thought there was a mistake
How could you want me, you made such easy prey
Didn't they teach you loving is nothing but pain
What do you see when you look in my eyes
A sea of blue, a place where your heart could lie
Where it could drown, where it will never survive

Are you ready for me
Do you love me in black
I'll will push you away
Then make you come back
I can make you feel love
I can be so detached
Do you really want me
Do you love me in black

I keep reliwng the moment we said goodbye
You didn't kiss me, you didn't even try
You said l made me feel like you were barely alive
In another lifetime maybe another place
Maybe i'll find you. l could be tempted by fate
And try to reach with too little kindness too late

Are you ready for me
Do you love me in black
I'll will push you away
Then make you come back
I can make you feel love
I can be so detached
Do you really want me
Do you love me in black

Eines der geilsten Stücke von ihr!
Pain - have a drink on me
I don't believe in love
I love the way it tastes
Please don't expect too much
'Cause I don't wanna be involved

I had my share of women
Even some marriage too
And every time I end up with my pants down
Looking like a fool

I'm such a fool...

The older you are, the wiser you get
Just listen to me
When life gets tough and you know it will
Then have a drink on me

The alcohol never talks back to me
It never tells me when it's time to go home
It's been my friend for over 25 years
And she has never cut me low

Don't cut me low

The older you are, the wiser you get
Just listen to me
When life gets tough and you know it will
Then have a drink on me

Oh, yeah

Too many women, too little time, yeah!
And not enough whiskey
Not enough booze for me
Oh, yeah!

I rather lose my liver than to lose my pride
And when I'm dead and buried
Then just have a drink on me

I don't believe in love
So don't expect too much

The older you are, the wiser you get
Just listen to me
When life gets tough and you know it will
Then have a drink on me

The older you are, the wiser you get
Just listen to me
When life gets tough and you know it will
Then have a drink on me
Just have a drink

Wir trinken einen auf dich, Peter! *bier*
Blind Guardian - The Bard´s Song (In the Forrest)
Now you all know
the bards and their songs
when hours have gone by
i´ll close my eyes
in a world far away
we may meet again
but now hear my song
about the dawn of the night
let´s sing the bards' song

tomorrow will take us away
far from home
no one will ever know our names
but the bards' songs will remain
tomorrow will take it away
the fear of today
it will be gone
due to our magic songs

there´s only one song
left in my mind
tales of a brave man
who lived far from here
now the bard songs are over
and it´s time to leave
no one should ask you for the name
of the one
who tells the story

tomorrow will take us away
far from home
no one will ever know our names
but the bards' song will remain
tomorrow all will be known
and you´re not alone
so don´t be afraid
in the dark and cold
'cause the bards' song will remain
they all will remain

in my thoughts and in my dreams
they´re always in my mind
these songs of hobbits, dwarves and men
and elves
come close your eyes
you can see them, too
Axel Rudi Pell - The Clown is dead
The Death Of A Clown
Reminds You All Lifetime,
A Lake Full Of Tears
Overflowed The World.

The Reaper Brought Pain,
So Sad Are The Children,
Their Time Of Mourning
Will Be Forever.

Where Did He Go,
No Laughter In Heaven,
Where Did He Go,
Where Did He Stay?

The Clown Is Dead,
The Laughter Is Gone,
The Clown Is Dead,
A Life's On The Run.

Behind His Mask,
He Was Only Human,
A Person Who Feels
Like You And Me.

Can't You See The Light,
The Star That Shined So Bright,
Was It A Lucky Sign,
From Someone Who Says "I'm Allright"...

The Clown Is Dead
...Will The Laughter Return...
We'll Never Know...

Spoken Words:
Innocence, Laughter, Madness,
Tears, Death, Heaven, Pain...
********oice Paar
8 Beiträge
Hypocrisy - Another Dead End
Another Dead End (For Another Dead Man)

Can't you see the devil
They curse away your life
What were your impressions?
They will blow your mind

It's time to cleave up your worst enemy
And see how bad they bleed
Trapped in your own cage
Sliced from humanity

How does it feel
To be locked up in your own free world?
Trapped in the shell
Another dead end for another dead man

Four walls are closing in
You're screaming but you can't be heard
You better believe it
Another dead end for another dead man

Oh. Strike back with your anger

You'll face against the wall
Just another day
Been watching over you
What you wanted to see

You stole the years
But you can't feel the difference
Your futures assigned
You're now part of the system

How does it feel
To be locked up in your own free world?
Trapped in the shell
Another dead end for another dead man

Four walls are closing in
You're screaming but you can't be heard
You better believe it
Another dead end for another dead man

Use your anger
Reap revenge
Use your anger
Don't turn away

Oh shit

It crawls down deep inside
Without a pulse or a will to die
Not known to sympathize
And now it takes what it takes
And let's the feeling suffocate
It's nothing new it'll get it's way
Another thing that I see is how it gets inside of me
And tears away my life

It's time to love, It's time to hate
It's coming face to face trying to desecrate
No time at all to break away
Temptation, still got a hold on me

It's awake even when you sleep
It breaths without a heartbeat
Making me incomplete
And now I know what I know
Expect the demon down below
To surface through my mortal soul
And now it looks to be smiling as it's killing me
Day to day, eye to eye

It's time to love, It's time to hate
It's coming face to face trying to desecrate
No time at all to break away
Temptation, still got a hold on me (x4)
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