For me its in the evening and night, cause I am a night owl.
Would I be a lark, I would probably prefer the morning...
It sure depends on the different biological clock/ rhythm, humans have...
When I'm in the mood for it. That's not related to day or night time for me. But to the person I'm with, the mood I'm in and the level of hormons in my blood. The latter is highly connected to my menstrual cycle. There are times (right after my fertile phase has ended) when I'm almost asexual. People are just people to me then. I do not see them as man or woman but just as (asexual) human beings.
Of course the opposit occurs during my fertile phase when my sexual hormon levels are highest. Then I see potential mates everywhere.
That's also the reason why it makes things a lot easier between me and my partner(s) if I let them know what phase of the cycle I'm in. I totally recommand that to every woman.
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