Dinner in Wonderland - a kink- and sex-positive online Event
Respekt, Toleranz, Vielfalt, Kink. Dinner in Wonderland
Dinner in Wonderland is a moderated online event for open-minded people. The focus is on art, kink and society. There are talks, exciting interview guests from anywhere in the world, little games, moderated and open discussions and the opportunity to get to know like-minded people in small break-out sessions, as well as online art. The participants come from all over the world and are very divers in their preferences and orientations, from (cis-)straight to very queer people, who are open-minded, kink- and sex-friendly. The atmosphere is characterized by acceptance and mutual respect on an eye-on-eye level.
-> Jeden 1. Samstag im Monat - via Zoom - Anmeldung unter: https://www.kinky-in-wonderland.de/next-events
Next event:
Dinner in Wonderland - Februar 2021