Join the Honest Touch experience 4.11.2023 in Hainfeld
For those of you here who are into slow and conscious sexuality When was the last time you took the time to ask yourself and your body “what do I really want in this moment?” while having sex with someone?
That is the idea of the Honest Touch experience: making space to feeeeeel your body, respect it, while staying in contact with others, and asking our body what we really want to do with the other bodies. The answer might be "nothing", and that's perfectly alright. In this journey, we will be with what is. We will make ourselves vulnerable by sharing how we feel in the moment, but also by saying yes and no when we mean it, and by asking for what we want. And that may lead to lots of playfulness, tenderness, rough touch, but also maybe fear or sadness. All emotions and desires welcome and honored. There will be no other way to be than the way you'll be in that moment.
The event is on the 4.11.2023 in Hainfeld (between Karlsruhe and Mannheim). It will be facilitated in English, but you will be welcome to talk in German to other participants.
All info and registration here:
The early bird price ends on the 29th of September!