tango weisheiten ...
bei meiner suche nach tango-weisheiten bin ich auf eine sehr überzeugende facebook-seite gestoßen
miles tangos - sicherlich sein richtiger name - langjähriger tänzer und lehrer, hat da tagtäglich seine gedanken und überlegungen zum thema tangotanzen notiert, die es inzwischen auch als e-book gibt (kindle).
der eintrag vom 31. januar passt ins thema floorcraft ziemlich gut rein:
Tango Truisms
31. Januar
Today's #Tango Truism 523: (variations collude) The rules of the road apply at the milonga, no passing, no tailgating, no speeding, and no stopping in the middle of the road! #Floorcraft ©2014 Tango Truisms
Notation: Unfortunately that almost never happens, mostly because you have leads that are either completely unaware of floorcraft, or because their previous teachers didn’t enforce or engage the idea, or the local milonga or practica organizers don’t enforce or engage the ideas. Make no mistake this is a disease for which there is only one cure: Information! Which starts with “HEY! PINHEAD…..”, and follows through with “STOP doing that!”. It’s really simple. Unfortunately you have milonga and practica organizers that don’t want to upset the apple cart, teachers that are worried about more important things, and better dancers who are a little myopic.
Solution: All it takes is a reminder here and there. One simple reminder. Be responsible and remind people.