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Gravelpit (english)

********unkt Mann
162 Beiträge
Gravelpit (english)
Im Grunde eine Art begleitete Meditation, aber irgendwie auch anders.
Ich weiß es nicht genau, aber es ist im Sinne von "Namaste" *g*


man, im english,
ehm, in english


Expectant baiting,
erect and waiting,
please tease me lewd,
breath easy dude,
breathless god,
lets wet this rod,
fear Kalis cuntlips,
assume them taking,
hear these footsteps,
the room starts shaking,
address it then,
this elephant,
this verdict of the reverend,
with logic always ever damned,
she's faultier, first bite is hers,
see Lucifers are lightbearers,
but mental effort, Doctor Seuss!
this dental record rockhard proves,
that the patient is unfit
and should be used to cum and sip,
devine ambrosia, milky tit,
let me suck this swollen clit,
let my tongue roll over it,
let me pump it,
when I want it,
endless cum in stream and droplets,
crossing cheekbones, open eyelids,
cute and naughty, pretty filthy,
now then tell me,
who is guilty?

Needs the question to be asked?
When the truth acts up unmasked,
where healthy acts and bad demeanours,
share shaky legs with wobbly femurs,
because whats holding us up,
is holding us back,
is holding on tight,
now straighten that back,
let all else fall flat,
dont carry it all,
just let it all fall,
the self needs no help but every road has a fork,
we needy, we yelp, so for us to uncork,
message in a bottle,
genie in a bottle,
you gotta rub me the right way.

Because to me it feels like im presenting,
and its for you to decide how to take it,
and if you decide to embrace what I’ve build up here,
or have a taste of it,
or cuddle up to it
or just like to watch it,
then thats quite allright.
But please dont take what I offer and then expect or even demand more,
because I truly dont expect or demand anything from you,
its just, if I spread my legs a little, so to speak,
for you to spread your wings a little, so to peak,
so instead of netflix and chill with video on demand,
its undemanded libido with freewilled words no dickpics,
and maybe thats cool, or not, sorry not sorry,
but no means no!
which I havent heard so far,
and maybe its just difficult,
reaching for that scary-scar,
where healing is what must ensue,
when dealing with a trust issue,

The invitation reads as follows,
If this has reached and filled your hollows,
Dont throw it back against this man,
Turn inward now, see what you can,
cuz touched by otherworldly hands,
is just another wordy dance,
see here,
come near,
leave want and fear,
in silence hear,
in darkness see and numbness feel,
what is to me achilles heel,
a place of vulnerability,
glass half full and orderly,
explore this place,
this word born space?
exactly not, you give it grace,
accept it, god, you’re the creator,
come on,
these here,
are words on paper,
at most a knock on your own door,
knuckles on wood, nothing more,
you’ve opened it, you take the step,
you’re folded in, your gravelpit,
your mystery,
unravel it,
check check, check out…
lets play with it,
my card deck I make out of
that royal shit,
veni, vidi, video,
over & out,

********unkt Mann
162 Beiträge


No way! Never! Can Not Be!
This can’t be that reality,
it’s all messed up,
mixed up,
you see,
and still I’m waiting patiently,
whilst iterating actively,
this trust I have in you and me,
soulbound, like destiny,
once and forever,
one for all,
but this is out of my control,
cuz as a guy,
I still ask why,
and as the male energy,
of course there’s only you and me,
so as the guy looking inside,
allowing to,
opening wide,
this beautiful dance that I can see,
is consciousness and energy,
dancing along the middle way,
of love and fear, of yay and nay,
oh how we laugh,
oh how we weep,
the lotus opens,
take your seat,
in this holy, heartfelt form,
less wisp of smoke,
more eye of storm,
the origin,
all else is born,
all else is seen,
all else is felt,
as golden light you radiate,
you are the source for all of this,
as focalized consciousness,
looking for a place to grow,
as this energetic flow,
and when this seems against the laws,
the reason simple, it’s because,
through highest flight and deepest delve,
you just forgot,
to love yourself.

********unkt Mann
162 Beiträge

All the demons and a drake,
Cannot take it,
scared to break,
Ah yes, that is the scary part,
No reason not to play it smart,
A sidewards glance, just to see,
Little steps, quite carefully,
There is the root,
I am - that's true,
Can't remember what we always knew,
I ..... Am....
And breathe
I..... Am....
And breathe
I..... Am....yeah, but, stoooop, no
All good, don't worry
Little monkey mind is scared and eager to jump, but for now, for a couple of breaths,
Mildly, tender, we move back to just
I..... Am......
And breathe
I..... Am.....
And breathe
That's it. That's all there is to it.
Very hard to grasp at first,
And in between,
Always there, like fish in the water,
We move through existence,
Always there... Always
At the root, we exist,
And from there we rise,
And unfold
Split apart,
Join back together?
It's hard to mend the branch one is sitting on,
But the root doesn't worry.
********unkt Mann
162 Beiträge
The Devil waits,
complete the square,
there is no truth,
without a dare.

Fine then,
I’m ’m not ’t scared ‘d,
its not like I have never dared,
Lucifer, Lightbringer,
brave to fall,
Still feeling a bit… sinister

The 5th dimension,
Oh Jesus Christ!
Look! Non-Dual,
UNITE !!!1!

Are we really taking flight?
Waking up all open-eyed,
Are we really at our best?
Zero purpose, endless jest? // zenless purpose, mindless jest
Mighty roars in stillness sound,
but emptiness is all around…

Well what do you expect to see,
when we unite in unity,
(one is (one is all)) is all,
separate we rise and fall,
and then we started feeling it,
higher up,
next level shit,
hey, whats up?
yo, we lit?
overrisen infinite,
rooting past unlimited,
let go for now,
thats not it…

What’s never left does not arrive,
What wasn’t born is not alive,
The starting line can not be reached,
The truth of it can not be preached,
Still non-existence takes no time,
moved from resistance to divine,
through loneliness,
through guilt & shame,
but those are all the devils game…

The jig is up,
fear or remorse?
Pale Face, Skeletal Horse,
grinning, morphing, toxic fangs,
the rope, it moves! parting sands,
into the weeds by frozen dice,
slithering through paradise,
unaware, blind to it,
Of course the apple has been bit.

And ever since,
we whine and wince,
feel hate and stone,
break heart and bone,
play this holy devils game,
and curse their sacred form and name.

It’s us,
you fool,
think it through,
who told you that this thing is you,
split you into
ME and THEM,
made you start imagining,
listening to all that noise,
tone deaf to the selfless voice,
rationalizing recklessness,
Don’t make a mess,
sweetened deal, promised threat,
what you want is
what you get:

Like …

Hells unfulfilling royalties,
Self-sabotaging prophecies,
self-made into helplessness
hinting at our hindrances:


painted corners,
rock and hard place,
so confused!
what is myspace?
why unseen
in plain sight hiding,
that's not life,
that's slowly dying,
it's not fair -

Right now we Dare:

right here,
is you,
my dear,

the fog is doubt,
the chains are fear,
thoughts are clouds,
and feelings…

come on…

come near…

open now,
let it flow,
the truth won’t hurt,
I know you know,
know your knowing,
cosmic joking,
see me smiling,
feel us dancing,
eye to eye,
when two are facing,
feel yourself und dare admit,
this is true…

and you are it.
********unkt Mann
162 Beiträge

Been there.
Done that.
Scratched what?
What itch?

Tho’ instrumentalised
I can relate,
faith in acceptance?
accept your fate,
But who said that…
Yeah, who did?
That’s the question, isn’t it?
Who chose this path,
made what decision,
whose life is wasted,
why so driven?

why so seriousssssss?

Kali, lovely, driven madness,
I must admit,
I must confess,
those icy fangs,
oh that pussy dangerous,
flowing shades,
why hide that face,
let me see,
meet my gaze,

I know you’re hurting, mother dark,
dont take me for an easy mark,
dont get distracted by the toys,
who separates the men from boys?
who thrones erect,
all hermit like,
who accepts but pays no mind,
do you really feel unseen?
are you acting?
scene for scene,
better here than where you’ve been?
by chance taking the leading role,
produced the movie as a whole…

so brahma wants,
shiva destroys,
what to do with these two boys,
one left,
one right,
come one, do better,
find common ground in this here battle,
lets reach a bit of harmony,
by laying down our weaponry,
laying down our clothes and skin,
leave the bones where they have been,
inner voice in inner stillness,
what now?
from where?
please tell, who is this?

my love,
is you and me,
consciousness and energy,
Kali, Shakti, or Parvati,
Jesus Christ, Devils Deal,
slightly warmed banana peel,
see your world,
dont trust your eyes,
see our play,
in it’s disguise,
back and forth,
hence and when,
discovering where we’ve not been,
whats been forgotten,
has new form,
mourning the dead,
for being born…

and vishnu watches undisturbed,
tipping the scales for the world,
please dance a little more my dears,
whats stopping us,

are only fears.
********unkt Mann
162 Beiträge
Cool story bro,
what if,

No wait…

Too little!
Too late!
Accept your fate!

No wait …

If we just date,
fill my plate,
I’d love to hate,
I mean you should,
so that we could…

Ja ja, I know,
for real tho,
just can’t show,
what can’t be seen,
by whom?
who is walking this museum?
paint the feet first,
so we dont stumble,
watch your creation,
but please stay humble,

a brush hanging in emptiness,

hands reaching out from loneliness,

release your action, if you dare,

see a hand frozen in air,

coming from,

please tell,

who’s there?

if you wouldn’t cry so loud,
no need for that,
you know I’m proud,
little dove,
you know,
you do,
I am your love,
was always there,
will never leave,
I am your home,
you are my thief,
and I will gladly share your grief,
just close that door,
turn around,
and lets just feel,
what we have found,
and why not


like this


********unkt Mann
162 Beiträge
********unkt Mann
162 Beiträge
This here,
my dear,
I have no idea…

But let me be clear:
All are allowed.

Knock Knock, let the devil in,
all the saints and sinner kin,
never ever have I been,
so sure about anything,
come here, sad clown,
devils grin,
all the plants are flowering,
at night daylight looks promising,
and daylight begs for night again,
and who not wants,
stay outside then,
but wave a little, would you friend,
tell you a secret,
we can just fly,
come take my hand,
let fairy dust be lightguiding,
not visually,
but feathering,
feel in coldness warm air rising,
feel the feeling, so enticing,
panicky, or more exciting?
all is well, we are not fighting,
I dont reach, I’m just inviting,
dont forget, all are allowed,
explore a little,
feel around,
be prenatal,
unknown, unfound,
and know the warmth of motherlove,
Jesus, Krishna,
Lamb & Dove.
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